Interaction and critical thinking in online Discussions: some considerations by Lee Ming Cherk

Background With its ancillary interactive functions, the online discussion forum is an effective platform for Vygotskian collaborative, constructivist, and social learning. Ideally, online discussions on substantive content encourage students to do research, share and learn from peers, reflect, and synthesize ideas (Smith, 2019). And through such a process, students’ reasoning abilities can be developed (Williams […]

Reaching Out to Students: Students’ Well-being in an Online Learning Environment

by Sarah Somarajan Priya   It seems apparent that remote learning is going to be around for a while. Whilst many educators work towards ensuring curriculum design, delivery and assessment are made clear and accessible to all students, students are expected to adapt to these changes and learn accordingly in an online classroom. Research has […]

Learning Assertive Communication through Interactive Scenarios – “Choose-your-own-adventure”: Engaging e-lessons with interactive scenarios

by Anita Toh   A major challenge in flipped lessons is getting the students to complete the requisite pre-class work prior to the in-class sessions. Most pre-class work involve students reading texts, viewing powerpoint slides, watching videos and then completing a task sheet or quiz, or participating in a forum discussion. When I was designing […]

Engaging Students Online: Enhancing Student Engagement in an Online Environment: Some Considerations

by Blog Facilitators, featuring Cao Feng and Susan Lee   Student engagement is a key factor that contributes to the success of an online learning environment. In a language or communication course, students may view engagement in the form of interaction or socialization that supports the development of academic and interpersonal skills, as well as […]

Students’ Thoughts on Video Formats: Students’ Perception of Various eLearning Video Formats

by Anita Toh and Tetyana Smotrova   My colleagues, Misty Cook, Tetyana Smotrova and I created an eLearning module called “What’s your point? Strategies for Clarity and Conciseness” to help students work on common writing errors. These errors were observed sporadically in different students’ work but were difficult to address in a whole-class context. The […]

Critical Thinking through Gamification: Meaningful Gamification as a Scaffolding Strategy

by Lynette Tan Yuen Ling   Context I teach on the IEM (Ideas and Exposition) modules of CELC (Centre for English Language Communication) to students from the residential colleges at Utown NUS. One of the pedagogical strategies that I employ is that of blended learning, where reading material is scaffolded for students such that key […]

What Do We Flip When We Flip the Classroom?

by Shobha Avadhani   This post is based on the important and interesting conversation across the posts on the subject of the “flipped” classroom that our esteemed colleagues have written. The first post [1] raised some vital questions about the assumptions underlying the “flipped” classroom that needed to be unpacked. In the second post [2], the point was made that […]

The Top 20 Free Online ESOL Resource Websites Refereed review-oriented article

by Ransom Gladwin Valdosta State University (Valdosta, United States)   Introductory remarks                                                                                                              There are thousands of ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) resources online. However, as Krajka noted 13 years ago, “it would be an insurmountable task to try and browse all such search results, evaluate the websites, and decide which of them best […]