Reliability of Second Language Listening Self-Assessments: Implications for Pedagogy

 by Vahid Aryadoust National University of Singapore (Singapore) Keywords:      academic listening, rating scale model, self-assessment   Abstract Language self-appraisal (or self-assessment) is a process by which students evaluate their own language competence. This article describes the relationship between students’ selfappraisals and their performance on a measure of academic listening (AL). Following Aryadoust and Goh […]

Putting a Humanistic Approach to Grammatical Input into Practice: A Sample Lesson

by Gareth Morgan National University of Singapore (Singapore) Keywords:      humanism, learner autonomy, learning styles, reflection   Abstract The paper’s focus is on a humanistic, multi-dimensional approach to grammar teaching. In this approach the learners practice a variety of skills in order to become affectively engaged through the elicitation of their thoughts, views, motivations, experiences, […]