In Their Own Words: An Interview with Fredricka Stoller & Bill Grabe

by Brad Blackstone National University of Singapore (Singapore)    A cursory search through any academic database under the topics of reading and reading research in specific or applied linguistics in general will yield two names with great consistency: Bill Grabe and Fredricka Stoller. Bill is Regents’ Professor of Applied Linguistics and Vice President for Research at […]

The Realities of Practice and Practices in Reality: A Critical Look at the Work Situation of English Teachers in a Japanese Setting

by Glenn Toh Tamagawa University (Tokyo, Japan) Keywords:      teacher subjectivity, teacher empowerment, institutional ideology   Abstract The article examines how institutional ideologies and practices can influence the work experiences of English teachers. It looks critically at a range of instances where institutional ideologies, philosophies and policies are perceived to be affecting the cultural and […]