Aims and scope

Teaching English and Communication in Higher Education is the peer-reviewed open access journal of the Centre of English Language Communication at the National University of Singapore. Our aim is to provide a space for the sharing of theory and practice in English Language and Communication (ELC) pedagogy in higher education settings. We welcome scholarly contributions from researchers, teachers, trainers and educational managers in the fields of:

  • Assessment and feedback (e.g., assessment as learning, teacher/peer feedback)
  • Curriculum and materials development (e.g., EAP, professional communication, CLIL, critical thinking pedagogy)
  • Digital education (e.g., multimodality, hybrid pedagogy)
  • Effective instruction (e.g., teacher talk, motivating students, problem-based learning)
  • Professional development (e.g., teacher training, mentoring, collaborative teacher research)

Submissions can be sent to the journal at any time. We accept works in different forms and multimedia formats (see submission guidelines).

ISSN: 2810-9708