by Hsiang-Ni Lee National Taitung University (Taitung, Taiwan) Keywords: adult literacy, EFL, exclusion, literature-based instruction, picture books Abstract This paper describes a four-phase inquiry project which applied essential elements of literature-based instruction. The research results have shown that through utilization of theme-based illustrated storybooks and interactive literacy activities, participating young adult learners not […]
Month: January 2016
Varying Classroom Input to Cater for Different Learning Styles: A Case Study
by Gareth Morgan King Faisal Academy (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Keywords: Academic writing, Humanism, interpersonal learners, kinaesthetic learners, learner styles, left brain learners, Multiple Intelligences, right brain learners, syllabus design, Total Physical Response Abstract The paper’s focus is the preferred means of learning of students on an academic writing course at the National University of […]