Peter Diamond, the 2010 Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences, will be speaking at the upcoming Symposium on Social Security – jointly organised by Singapore Centre for Applied and Policy Economics (SCAPE), Department of Economics and the Next Age Institute, on 12 January 2016.
Diamond will be sharing his research on public pension systems in several countries, which has generally been viewed as having done well in this area. He will also be discussing the complications that arise during pension designs and the various factors that may contribute to it.
Peter Diamond is an Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT and author of several books such as Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach and Reforming Pensions: Principles and Policy Choices just to name a few. His recent paper includes The case for a progressive tax: from basic research to policy recommendations.
Associate Professor Chia Ngee Choon (Department of Economics), Co-Director of Next Age Institute, Professor Joseph Cherian, Director of the Centre for Asset Management Research & Investments as well as Marcus Kok, Principal Pension Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers, will also be speaking at the Symposium.
About the Symposium on Social Security
Date: 12 January 2016, Tuesday
Time: 8.45 AM – 12.35 PM
Venue: Kent Ridge Guild House, NUS
Admission to the Symposium is free. To register, please email Ms Zhang Shen (ecszhan@nus.edu.sg).
For full programme details, click here.