Ever wondered what’s it like to move towards a sustainable future?
Curious about how Singapore can become a world leading sustainable city
Come down and find out!
Energy Carta presents to you Experience Energy Series 2013:“Towards a sustainable Singapore: Challenges, Practices & Opportunities”.
It will be held on April 6th (Sat), 10a.m.-12p.m. in the Ngee Ann Kong Si Auditorium, UTown!
The event features distinguished speakers from various sectors in Singapore such as Professor Michael Quah (Director of the NUS energy office) and Mr Vinod Kesava (Executive director of the GreenAsia Group). Each speaker will share their insights on different perspectives of sustainable development in Singapore. The highlight of this event will be an exciting panel discussion where the speakers will present their view points on Singapore’s role in the global context. As an audience, you will get an opportunity to participate in the discussion. In addition, light refreshments will be provided afterwards where you will get a chance to interact with the speakers.
Interested? Please kindly register yourself via the link Sign-up Sheet by April 4th (Thu). Limited walk in seats will be available.
School of Computing(SOC) is inviting students from other faculties (Cohort 2011 and after) to apply for Minor in Computer Science and Minor in Information Systems in Semester 1 of Academic Year 2013-14.
For Minor in Computer Science application, click here
For Minor in Information Systems application, click here
Please note that the closing date for the application is on 21st June 2013, 12 noon.
The Faculty congratulates the following recipients of the Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) 2011/12:
Mrs Chen Ing Ru
Centre for Language Studies
Ms Chi Seo Woon
Centre for Language Studies
Dr Lee Seow Ting
Communications and New Media
Mr Gui Kai Chong
Communications and New Media
A/P Chia Ngee Choon
Dr Aamir Rafique Hashmi
Dr Yeoh Guan Hin, Gilbert
English Language and Literature
Dr Christopher Michael McMorran
Japanese Studies
A/P Loy Hui Chieh
Dr Yoshinori Nishizaki
Political Science
Dr Lim Wee Hun, Stephen
Dr Goh Chor Leng, Esther
Social Work
A/P Paulin Tay Straughan
Two of the above faculty members have won the ATEA for the third time, and have been placed on the ATEA Honour Roll to recognise their sustained high performance in teaching:
Ms Chi Seo Won, Centre for Language Studies, ATEA Honour Roll
Assoc Prof Loy Hui Chieh, Philosophy, ATEA Honour Roll
In addition, we extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Lim Wee Hun Stephen who has been selected for induction into the NUS Teaching Academy. The Teaching Academy serves as an important think tank to reflect on educational issues, innovations, values, and trends that will have a bearing on academic policy, systems, practices, and culture at NUS, sending a powerful signal to the NUS community and beyond. Fellows will be formally inducted during the University Awards Ceremony on 26 April 2013.
Our heartiest congratulations to Dr Lim as he joins the Academy in their efforts to positively influence the future of education at NUS.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences extends the warmest congratulations to Dr. Lim Wee Hun Stephen who has been selected for induction into the NUS Teaching Academy. The Teaching Academy serves as an important think tank to reflect on educational issues, innovations, values, and trends that will have a bearing on academic policy, systems, practices, and culture at NUS, sending a powerful signal to the NUS community and beyond. Fellows will be formally inducted during the University Awards Ceremony on 26 April 2013.
Our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Lim, as he joins the Academy in their efforts to positively influence the future of education at NUS.
The Association for Asian Studies (AAS)—the largest society of its kind, with approximately 8,000 members worldwide—is a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association open to all persons interested in Asia. Our new PhD in Comparative Asian Studies is now listed under their list of Asian Studies Programmes and Centres. Click here for more information: http://www.asian-studies.org/programs/general.htm
It was reported that the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at NUS will offer a new major in Global Studies in June. The Global Studies major, which will be part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, is a multi-disciplinary course which covers areas including political science, economics and sociology.
Two very different films garnered the top prizes at FASS’ inaugural ‘Singapore on Screen’ Undergraduate Short Film competition when the final eight films were screened in competition on Saturday at the NUS Open Day at UTown . The winner in the fiction category was “Fire”, a moving piece that touched on intergenerational student activism and the 1989 ‘June 4th Incident’. The non-fiction winning film was completely different – “Old Toilets: Memoirs of a Daily Affair” was a fascinating, amusing, albeit discomfiting, personal historical account of Singapore’s toilet customs before modern sanitation. The runner-up films were equally diverse: “Hello, Miss”, an dark urban chiller, and “The Broken Porcelain”, a reflection on the changing face on Chinatown(s).
The event, organized by the Singapore Research Nexus (SRN) www.fas.nus.edu.sg/srn, was open to all undergraduates taking a module by FASS which involved film-production in 2012. The films had to be under 15 minutes in length, be related to Singapore and could be creative works, documentaries, genre-explorations or pieces of visual ethnography. On Saturday the top eight entries were screened to the public and the four judges gave illuminating commentaries after each film for the audience and young film-makers to savour. The judges were: celebrated local film-maker and FASS Alumnus Mr Chris Yeo (Chair), Dr Ingrid Hoofd (CNM), Dr Valerie Wee (English Literature), and Dr Ivan Kwek (Sociology). The winning films each won a $500 prize with the runners up each receiving $200. In summing up, Chris Yeo commended the high quality of the films and iterated his pleasant surprise at how FASS Students have created films that would outshine films produced by their contemporaries at prestigious film schools.
While the judges were deliberating there was a screening of “Incorporating Film-making into Coursework at FASS” a short film of interviews with FASS Faculty Members who offer film as part of their courses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO8V5Uhf4h4&feature=youtu.be
For more details on the winners and to watch the top four films please click below:
Fire (produced for the Department of Chinese Studies module Understanding Modern China through Film) – Filmmakers:Chen Lingzi, Wang Yao, Aw Luo Min, Lee Sin Poh, Wu Si, Allison Angelene Swieca
Hello, Miss (produced for the Department of English Language and Literature module Film Genres: Stars and Styles) – Filmmakers:Haikal Aziz, Corina Tan, Kenneth Ang, Tricia Chean, Yang Tzu Hsuan
The Broken Porcelain (produced for the module Understanding Modern China through Film) – Filmmakers:Dina Berrada, Foo Fang Yu,Wong Siew Fong, Sim Wen Yan, Chua Wei Fang
It was reported that the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at NUS will offer a new major in Global Studies in June. The Global Studies major, which will be part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, is a multi-disciplinary course which covers areas including political science, economics and sociology.
There will be an employer sharing session happening 21 March, Thursday by Vriens & Partners, a political risk consultancy. They are recruiting for interns this May to August, and are also hiring full time positions in a few of their local offices in the region.
NUS alum Tang Wai Leong will also be there to share his personal experience as an intern who has since joined the company full time. This session will be interesting for students who are exploring roles in political, governmental and public affairs and we hope you will make time for this session.
Employer Session with Vriens & Partners
Date : Thursday 21 March
Time : 3pm – 5pm
Venue : Masters Commons, Level 3, Cinnamon College
Click here to register by 19 March Tuesday if you’re interested.
About Vriens & Partners
Vriens & Partners is a Southeast Asia-focused corporate advisory firm specializing in political risk analysis, government relations and public affairs headquartered in Singapore. V&P has offices across Southeast Asia, including representative offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar.
The firm provides independent appraisals of the political risk associated with existing and potential investments, expert analysis of pressing public policy issues and strategies for engaging local stakeholders and mitigating risk.
Blog.nus accounts will move to SSO login soon. Once implemented, only current NUS staff and students will be able to log in to Blog.nus. Public blogs remain readable to non-logged in users. (More information.)