A ‘FASSForward to Exam’ preparatory talk by Faculty members was held on 17 Oct 2011 at AS7 Seminar Rooms A/B/C, 2-4pm. Organised by the External Relations and Student Life Division, in collaboration with faculty members from different departments, the event attracted more than 70 student participants.
Assoc Prof Bruce Lockhart (History), Assoc Prof Eddie Tong (Psychology) and Dr Ingrid Hoofd (CNM) shared insightful exam preparation strategies and relevant personal experiences, while Associate Professor T.C. Chang facilitated the talk as chair. Among the issues discussed were study and revision strategies, how to ace essay writing under examination conditions, and even stress relieving tips.
Participants were treated to a sumptuous buffet tea after the talk which also provided a splendid opportunity for them to mingle and make new friends.
Assoc Prof T.C. Chang felt that the talk was very helpful for students and could be organised again in the next semester. He said, “It was a great session, and I’m sure our students went away with some good ideas and suggestions.”
The recorded talk is uploaded here for students to view, together with a handout of one-liners from different faculty members on revision tips and exam strategies. Some of the tips include the importance of keeping up with current affairs, having sufficient sleep and forming study groups.