Looking for students to help turn science into art!

Culture of Art and Science: Cabinet of Curiosities


Welcome to an open, collaborative experiment that reunites art and science. Surprising discoveries, funny errors, unexpected correlations, astonishing or symmetric numbers, pictures of the day: All are possible components. This collection of art and science will be related to the daily work of the Centre of Quantum Technologies.  Interested students — like you — scientists and artists will decide what will be included in the collection.


Students are welcome to take part in the two-parted workshops to discuss what might be contained in a contemporary collection of curiosities from the field of quantum physics. We will discuss the interpretation, sense and non-sense of technical images; aesthetic qualities formulas; the relation of creation and representation; and other artistic and philosophic issues. Interested students can also make their own impact on this conceptual artwork.


The dates are:

Monday, 2 April, 6-8pm

Monday, 16 April 6-8pm

at CQT Seminar Room, S15-03-15


If you are interested, do drop us an email at artscience.residency@gmail.com .



What is a Cabinet of Curiosities?


The idea has its inspiration from 14th century Europe with the rarity- or curio-gallery. It arose during an “era of astonishment” — the Renaissance — an age when art and science developed together. The collections then contained both natural products and artefacts, and were not separated into categories of art or science. The selected objects were presented in fancy showcases, similar to cupboards and furniture. The whole installation was seen as “Theatrum mundi”, a general view on the whole world and human understanding.


About the Art/Science Residency Programme


This event is organized by the Art Interactive & Digital Media Institute of NUS to help promote the arts among university students. As part of the programme, five international artists will each do a one-month residency, specializing in one of the four themes — quantum physics, water, biology and acoustic ecologies. 


During their stay, artists will reside in University Town where they can mingle with students. They will conduct their work at relevant NUS research centres while engaging students, the arts community and the public.


The programme is funded by the National Arts Council and Ruhland’s residency is supported by the Centre for Quantum Technologies.

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