Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) 2011/12

The Faculty congratulates the following recipients of the Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) 2011/12:

Mrs Chen Ing Ru Centre for Language Studies
Ms Chi Seo Woon Centre for Language Studies
Dr Lee Seow Ting
Communications and New Media
Mr Gui Kai Chong  Communications and New Media
A/P Chia Ngee Choon Economics

Dr Aamir Rafique Hashmi

Dr Yeoh Guan Hin, Gilbert 


English Language and Literature
Dr Christopher Michael McMorran Japanese Studies
A/P Loy Hui Chieh


Dr Yoshinori Nishizaki

 Political Science


Dr Lim Wee Hun, Stephen

Dr Goh Chor Leng, Esther

Social Work

A/P Paulin Tay Straughan 


Two of the above faculty members have won the ATEA for the third time, and have been placed on the ATEA Honour Roll to recognise their sustained high performance in teaching:

  •  Ms Chi Seo Won, Centre for Language Studies, ATEA Honour Roll
  • Assoc Prof Loy Hui Chieh, Philosophy, ATEA Honour Roll

In addition, we extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Lim Wee Hun Stephen who has been selected for induction into the NUS Teaching Academy. The Teaching Academy serves as an important think tank to reflect on educational issues, innovations, values, and trends that will have a bearing on academic policy, systems, practices, and culture at NUS, sending a powerful signal to the NUS community and beyond. Fellows will be formally inducted during the University Awards Ceremony on 26 April 2013.

Our heartiest congratulations to Dr Lim as he joins the Academy in their efforts to positively influence the future of education at NUS.

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