The haze’s effects on cognition (Opinion, Page A17)

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Straits Times

In today’s edition of The Straits Times, there was an article contribution by Professor Chew Soo Hong and Provost’s Chair Professor from the Department of Economics at NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, in which he discussed whether haze clouds decision-making. Prof Chew shared findings from a first-of-its-kind natural experiment on ambient PM2.5 and decision making that he conducted with researchers from Wuhan University, which was observed in an incentivised laboratory setting in Beijing in October 2012, before PM2.5 was included as part of the air quality measure in China.  He noted that when looking at the social costs of environmental pollution, policymakers have tended to focus on the direct economic costs, but there is a need to take into account the impact of air pollution on how people make decisions.

Click here to read the article.


One thought on “The haze’s effects on cognition (Opinion, Page A17)

  1. 在新冠疫情不断蔓延之后,为了减轻疫情对校园生活的影响,教育部倡导的是“停课但不停学习”,于是各大学开始尝试进行线上教育。重新开学后,一些大学仍然将网课代上当作传统上课模式的一种补充,来尽量减少新冠疫情蔓延的可能性。那么,一般大学的网课究竟是怎样开展的呢、大学生群体对网课又是怎样的想法呢?本段行文来自浙江省一所普通大学里面的九个二级学院总共902份问卷的分析,研究疫情之下大学网课的开展情况,对防疫逐渐常态化后的大学线上教学发展有所启发。调查显示,大学线上学习平台多为钉钉、超星、腾讯会议、慕课等。钉钉主要是用来进行线上视频上课,超星主用在线上学习和讲解,老师也能上传资料让学生学习。

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