Happy New Year and Greetings from the FASS Dean’s Office! We trust you have had a great start to another semester. The Faculty is embarking on a new internship programme called the FASS Internship Programme (FASS IP). The FASS IP is open to NUS students whose first major is in FASS. There are three modules in this programme:
FAS2550 FASS Exposure Internship. This module is offered to students who, have completed an internship (from AY2014/15 onwards). You may register this module in any subsequent regular semester, including your final semester. This module is a 2 MC UE module to recognise your internship effort. The deadline to register this module for AY2015/16 Semester 2 is 5 Feb 2016 (Friday). All you have to do is to follow the instructions in this webpage. Internships performed in AY2015/16 Semester 2 would be acknowledged under this module.
FAS2551 FASS Internship and FASS2552 FASS Extended Internship. Students who are planning to intern during the forthcoming AY2015/16 Special Term and subsequent semesters will benefit from these two modules. You are expected to source internships and secure them on your own. To find out more about the FASS Internship Programme, please visit http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/studentlife/fassip.html. The Faculty will use the new Arts/Social Sciences Internship Management System (AIMS) to connect you with your Academic Advisor and manage written work for these modules (Work Plan, Journals and Reports). It also contains internships that are pre-approved for the FASS IP. Internships for FASS IP are approved on a rolling basis so check back often.
A/Prof Loy Hui Chieh, Vice-Dean (External Relations & Student Life), will be conducting a briefing for FASS students who wish to embark on internship, called “An Internship for Me?”. Present at the briefing will be key people in the Faculty who will assist you in your journey. The briefing will be held on 28 Jan 2016, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, AS7-01-17 Seminar Room B. A light meal will be served.
Please sign up HERE by 25 Jan.