Operation 1st Response (Red Cross Youth NUS Chapter Disaster Management Group)

Hello student leaders and staff of NUS!

Do you have any upcoming activities planned for 2015?

Do you foresee a need to have first aiders of your own?

If you said “yes” to both questions, you should sign up for Operation 1st Response!



Operation 1st Response (Op1R) is envisioned to be a free first aid familiarisation workshop that imparts essential first aid skills for disaster situations through a mix of didactic teachings, games, quizzes and interactive scenarios.

In just two hours, you will learn the basic essentials of first response – swift response and lifesaving procedures.

The first 50 participants to sign up will receive their very own first responder package free of charge!

In addition, greater opportunities to further your interest in this field will be presented at the workshop.

Save a life, sign up now: tinyurl.com/op1r2015

Savings fund won’t help foreign workers (Opinion, Page A22)  

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Straits Times

This was an article contribution by Professor Ivan Png, Distinguished Professor at NUS Business School and Departments of Economics and Information Systems at NUS, who discussed whether the Government should convert the foreign worker levy into a savings funds for these workers. He opined that while well intended, this would not benefit workers by very much.

The “Ask: NUS Economist” column is a monthly series by the NUS Economics Department. Each month, a panel will address a topical issue.

Click here to read full article.

People’s Association Youth Leaders Scholarship (For Undergraduates from Year 2 and Above)


The PA Youth Leaders Scholarship offers both local and overseas undergraduate scholarships to outstanding Singaporean students with a heart to serve and to grow the community with PA. As PA scholars, they will gain experience in community organising and leadership through involvement in community projects, regular engagement with grassroots and PA leaders, job placements in various strategic units, and participation in overseas attachments and programmes.

Mid-term undergraduates who have completed at least two semesters of undergraduate studies with exemplary results may apply for the mid-term scholarship during the same period.

Please Welcome to the FASS Deanery


Change to the Deanery

As of 1 Jan 2015, please note the following change to the FASS Deanery:

  Name Old Portfolio New Portfolio
1 Dr Stephen Lim Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Studies) Assistant Dean (External Relations & Student Life)

As of 31 December 2014, A/P Vincent Ooi (Assistant Dean – External Relations & Student Life) and Dr Lim Boon Tiong (Assistant Dean – Undergraduate Studies) have stepped down and we would like to thank them both for their contributions to the FASS Deanery during their appointment.


Sri Lanka needs political stability

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Sunday Observer

This was an article contribution by Associate Professor Tilak Abeysinghe from the Department of Economics at NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences on the need for political stability and good governance for the Sri Lankan economy to settle to a sustained growth trajectory. He cautioned that without economic growth and inclusive development, the phoenix of war may come to life again.

Click here to read full article.