October’s Feature Flick!

From creative genius Tim Burton comes Frankenweenie, a heartwarming tale about a boy and his dog. After unexpectedly losing his beloved dog Sparky, young Victor harnesses the power of science to bring his best friend back to life-with just a few minor adjustments. He tries to hide his home-sewn creation, but when Sparky gets out, Victor fellow students, teachers and the entire town all learn that getting a new “leash on life” can be monstrous.

Feature Flicks the Alumni House monthly complimentary movie screening for members of the NUS community. Join us on the last Thursday of each month as we showcase a variety of films from recent hits to old favorites. Friends and family members are welcomed.

To register, please click here.

Experience Energy Series 2013


Energy Carta is an interest group in NUS with like-minded students who are passionate about sustainable development and green technology. We act as an interface between the student population and the energy industry through events and programs about sustainability and energy issues.

This year we bring to you “Experience Energy Series: Challenges of Tomorrow’s Energy Landscape“. Come down and find how what’s hindering our steps towards clean technology and how you can play a part in creating a greener future.

Date: 19th October 2013, Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm

Venue: Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Educational Resource Centre, UTown, NUS

Sign up here at : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1B2HwHwkvsqEl7TU4IWFl-hCz-bC_mul_QALSbLNbjnM/viewform

For more info email: l.yichieh@energycarta.org

Invitation to MAIS 2013: Moving Nusantara Sounds – Malay Religious Beliefs in Song and Rhythm (10 Oct 2013) 6.30pm LT8 FASS

The FASS community is cordially invited to attend the Malay Arts and Islam Seminar 2013. This year’s theme is, “Moving Nusantara Sounds – Malay Religious Beliefs in Song and Rhythm.” Invited speakers include, Prof. Margaret Kartomi (Monash University, Australia), Dr. Geoffrey Benjamin (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), and musician Fadhli Ramlee. Please find more information about the seminar speakers on the attached poster. A light dinner will be served at 6.15pm outside LT8. For catering purposes, please RSVP to Johan (johan@nus.edu.sg) by 8 October 2013.

 Date: 10 October 2013

Location: Lecture Theatre 8, FASS, NUS

Time: 6.30 – 9pm

My Cup of Tea – Chat with A/P T C Chang

Enhancing Student Life: Study/Revision Strategies & Career Preparation

Register http://bit.ly/1auaXOb   

Seats are available on a 1st-come-1st-served basis

Upon registration, please be sure to attend the talk or find a replacement if you are unable to make it

For further queries, please email faslp@nus.edu.sg or call 65167274

FASS Talk – Career Insights

Last week, FASS and NUS Career Centre (NCC) co-organised a series of two career guidance talks specially catered for FASS students. Held on 18 and 19 September, the “FASS Talk – Career Insights” series featured a total of four FASS alumni guest speakers from the fields of Human Resource (HR) and Marketing respectively, as these sectors have been identified as two of the most popular career options for FASS graduates. The speakers for HR were Ms Ruth Lim from MSD International GmbH and Ms Winifred Loh from LEADForte, while Ms Natasha Zhao from Blugrapes and Mr Azmi Suhaimi from HotelQuickly spoke at the session on Marketing.

Apart from sharing life stories and experiences related to working in their respective industries, the guest speakers provided insight and advice to students on how to manage real-life situations through discussing case studies. They also highlighted the qualities required to be successful, and the expectations of having a career in these sectors.

Both talks were generally well-received, with some students commenting that the speakers’ knowledge/information shared was in sync with what they wanted to know. In addition, the students found the speakers’ practical advice and precautions/expectations of being in their industry very useful.

Like NUS Career Centre@FASS to keep track of the latest FASS career talks and opportunities!