The Singapore Memory Project is a nationwide initiative to allow the younger Singaporeans learn how Singapore has evolved over the years.
The Sembawang Memory Project will involve residents sharing their stories on their past experiences and how they have seen neighbourhoods transformed from kampongs to urbanised towns. These stories with pictures will then be published in a book titled “Chronicles of Remembrance” which will be prefaced by President, Dr Tony Tan.
Be a part of The Sembawang Memory Project and help capture stories of residents’ experiences, challenges and how they braced through tough times. Learn and appreciate Singapore’s past not from textbooks, but from real-life experiences.
How you can participate:
Form a team of 2-4 students and attend a ½ day workshop to be conducted in late June (tentatively between 19-30June) on interviewing and creative writing skills at no cost. A gathering session will be held to introduce the residents to students who should then make appointments for the interview at a mutually convenient time.
Students will be required to submit a write up not exceeding 2-3 pages inclusive of photos and a video filming the process of the interview by August. A competition will be held to select 50 out of 100 stories to be published, based on the following criteria:
1. Interview video (15%)
2. Creative Writing (50%)
3. Content and Layout (35%)
Students and the featured residents will be invited to the Official Launch of the “Chronicles of Remembrance” where exhibitions on the articles will be showcased. Students’ contributions will be acknowledged in the book and CIP points may be awarded as well.
To participate, please complete the entry form and return via mail, fax or email by 31 May 2013. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact:
Ms Joleen Thang
Constituency Manager
DID : 67527 212