Annual Conference for the Consortium of African and Asian Studies
‘Sustainable Cities’
National University of Singapore, 28-30 January 2013
AS7 Auditorium (01-02), The Shaw Foundation Building,
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore,
Kent Ridge Campus
The theme “sustainable cities” carry an increasing significance as globalization, increased mobilities, economic crises, and environmental hazards raise questions of management of risks and urban problems from the viewpoint of families, communities and governments.
Papers are invited to explore issues relating to the following sub-themes:
1. Migration
The impact of immigration on urban resource management, for example pressures on housing, transport, public space and subsequent political implications. How important is diversity to creating sustainable urban forms? Can migration be part of a sustainable future? What modes of management will be involved? How do the politics of migration and sustainability relate to each-other?
2. Environment
Issues such as pollution, conservation, and climate change should be addressed, with emphasis on current problems and possible challenges for the future
3. Planning and Managing the Sustainable City
By 2025 there will be more urbanites in Asia than anywhere else; nearly 1/3 of humankind will live in Asian cities. The way these urbanites work, consume, and travel profoundly affects the future. Asian cities may lead the global sustainability movement, and some –Singapore, HK, Beijing, and Shanghai– are already attempting. However, for this to happen, aligning city makers’ visions on sustainability and livability is crucial; new problem-oriented, transdiscliplinary knowledge can bolster this endeavor.
4. Cities and Disaster Management
Cities experience unpredictable events on a regular basis, many of them generated by urbanity itself. These include epidemics, terrorist attacks, natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, or political convulsions. Global climate change will make emergency management all the more important in coming decades.
5. Surviving the Urban Economy
Economic stress (as a result of income loss, unemployment, high living costs), and family functioning in cities is an important issue to explore in the Sustainable City. This can relate to a wide range of issues related to family. For example, family conflict/cohesion, family formation behavior (marriage and divorce), child poverty, or young adults transistion to adulthood.
6. Languages, Cultures and/in the City
Cities intensify multiculturalism and cultural transactions, creating interesting phenomena of language contact and change, artistic forms and cultural expressions. In addition, the representation of cities in literature, film and other cultural documents reflects many of the critical issues and anxieties about cities in Asia and Africa today.
Abstracts: maximum 300 words by 15th September 2012.
Abstracts, Expressions of Interest and Enquiries to: Ms Amy Tan,
email; 65-6516 7710 (DID); 65-67794662 (Fax).
[…] at their campus in central London. [In 2013 it will be at NUS – see here for the call for papers:… ] Registration for participants of CAAS […]
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