The Department of Political Science at the NUS, was formally established in 1961 (before Singapore emerged as an independent nation-state). It is thus, now reaching its 50th year!
In many ways, the evolution and growth of Political Science mirrors that of NUS and modern Singapore itself – having been faced with numerous challenges over the decades, we have now emerged as a Department, which is internationally recognised as among the best in Asia.
Obviously, the Department’s current achievement is not possible without the contributions and sacrifices of its professors, the farsightedness of NUS’ leadership, the quality of the courses/modules offered, and of course, the equally high quality of its graduates whose performance in both the public and private sectors have generally given the Department a good name.
It is thus time for all of us, as staff, students, alumni and friends of Political Science, to celebrate this half a century Golden Jubilee! We have lined up three major activities to be held within this 2011-12 Academic Year: (1) 50th Anniversary Dinner (2) Singapore Forum on Politics (3) Singapore Model Parliament. Brief highlights of each of these activities are given below.
For more details, please go to