Students are invited to enroll in a writing course, WP2201C – Mars/Venus? Gender and (Mis)Communication, offered by the University Town Writing Program (UTWP). This course explores the pervasive topic of gender and communication. For example, are men and women different by nature (from “Mars” or “Venus”) or are gender roles socially constructed? How are these differences expressed in the language they use? What causes miscommunication and how can it be addressed? In this small seminar-format class, students read, analyze, discuss and respond to topical articles in a variety of genres, examining them not only for information, but especially to make explicit the way writers address their audiences, and then apply these insights to their own written responses and arguments on the topic.
WP2201C is scheduled for Tues & Fri 9am-11am; Tues & Fri 11am – 1pm; and Tues & Thurs 3pm-5pm.
This course is one of a set of nine topic-specific courses offered by the UTWP (see the list below); this is the last term that all NUS students will be permitted to sign up for them, as starting in August 2011 they will be available only to University Town resident students. If students are unable to accommodate the schedule or have interest in other topic areas than gender and language, they are encouraged to choose among the full slate of UTWP courses listed below:
Models of Press Freedom (WP2201B)
Mars/Venus?: Gender & (Mis)Communication (WP2201C)
Writing in a Digital World (WP2201D)
From Human to “Posthuman” (WP2201E)
Screening Globalization (WP2201F)
Language and Migration (WP2201G)
Eating Right(s): The Politics of Food (WP2201H)
Good Intentions—Unintended Consequences (WP2201I)
Prizes and Popular Culture (WP2201J)
Centre for English Language Communication