Six NUS students’ short and final assignments from NM5211 Serious Games & Learning Media including CNM’s John Yap Yin Gwee, Cao Yuanying and Rosalie Hooi Chet Yeu, School of Computing’s Tan Jian Wei and Eugene Seah Zhu En, and Charles Pang T-Howe from Engineering, received awards on 6 December 2009 at “Shooot Fiesta 2009” in Singapore, Asia’s first award ceremony for 3-D videos filmed on gaming and virtual-world platforms. The machinima film called “The Homecoming” created as part of the final assignment (using a theme of Baba House, NUS Museum) is a short story about a Peranakan woman returning from abroad to her roots, won “Best Long Machinima (school)”. The machinima film created for a short assignment entitled “Smoking is ‘Good'” is a humorous short film about the dangers of smoking, won “Best TVC award (school)”. Dr. Timothy Marsh, CNM developed and taught NM5211 Serious Games & Learning Media. Both machinima films can now be viewed publicly in online videos from NUSCAST at