Better scores now needed for NUS arts faculty (Home, Page B1)

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Straits Times

In today’s edition of The Straits Times, there was an interview with Professor Brenda Yeoh, Dean of the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, on the rising quality of students applying to the faculty. It was noted that this year, A-level holders needed at least an A and two Bs to get into the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences  at NUS, despite the faculty taking in the largest number of students at the University – 1,700 in all. Top A-level students, who score at least 3As, made up 15 per cent of applications, up from 7 per cent in the 2000s.

Prof Brenda Yeoh attributed the higher demand to the wide range of courses on offer and students seeing the value in a broad education. With 17 departments, 20 major subjects, a host of minor programmes and a centre for language studies offering both Asian and European languages, the faculty offers the most comprehensive education in the humanities and social sciences in this part of the world.

In a related report titled “NUS launched award for alumni in social work” (Home, Page B2), it was mentioned that the Ann Wee NUS Social Work Alumni Award was launched by the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences to mark the faculty’s 85th anniversary. The Ann Wee NUS Social Work Alumni Award is named after Mrs Ann Wee, former head of the social work department, often described as the founding mother of social work in Singapore. Today, she remains at the department as an Associate Professorial Fellow. Prof Brenda Yeoh said the new award will be given to alumni who have a similar spirit of sustained commitment and contribution to the profession and to societal well-being.

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