ideas September 2010

An interview with Dr Lee Hon Sing, NUS Business School

We have glimpsed the future. In the Star Wars movies, we see people communicating over interstellar distances using holographic representations and projections without any lag.

While that is a long way off, our present technology can bridge more earthly distances. These are various forms of conferencing - audio, video and web - which provide for different needs.

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ideas May 2010

Note: Turnitin detects similarity. While the author described Turnitin as a plagiarism detection service, Turnitin only detects similarity to other sources. Humans determine if a paper is plagiarised.

By N. Sivasothi, Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences

For the third year running, non-biology students who take the cross-faculty module LSM1303 Animal Behaviour are blogging. As part of their continual assessment, every student in the class of about 200 creates a single blog post each. Their blog site, Blogging about Animal Behaviour is hosted on Blog.nus.

Blogging benefits

Writing an original post encourages students to read and communicate beyond the limits of their project work and lectures. It also exposes them to their fellow-students' efforts which cover a wide range of examples of animal behaviour.

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ideas March 2010

If a picture paints a thousand words, how many does a moving picture paint?

While we cannot give an absolute figure, a well-crafted video probably paints much more. It is with this in mind that CIT launched the ConceptCast project.

As the name alludes, ConceptCasts are videos - screencasts, multimedia presentations or similar items - which are aimed at addressing specific concepts. These are short, easy to understand videos lasting not more than five minutes.
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eLearning in emergencies

eLearning was constantly mentioned in the press as the spectre of the H1N1 pandemic flu outbreak threatened to shut down schools. Thankfully, this flu strain is not yet highly fatal. Nevertheless, the question bears asking: What happens if everyone has to be quarantined at home today?


Get organised with the IVLE Lesson Plan

CIT recommends that faculty staff set up lesson plans in IVLE for all modules. This will allow students to get a week-by-week (or topic-by-topic) view of the module, as well as the relevant links to resources for that week (or topic). Here’s a quick Lesson Plan tutorial.


Virtual Classroom through Web Conferencing

The simplest ways to conduct tutorial sessions online is via IVLE chat rooms (live) or IVLE discussion forums (asynchronous). However, you may want a more dynamic and interactive environment to conduct your lessons. This is where web conferencing is useful.

Faculty Voice

Google Docs – An Apt App

Assoc. Prof. Eleanor Wong, Director of the Legal Skills Programme at the NUS Law School shares how she used Google Docs to aid in improving her students’ writing.


Screen Recording simplified

Camtasia Relay is now available to all lecturers for your screen recording needs. Screen recording, also known as screencasting, allows you to record your computer desktop as well as your audio narration. Anything which can be displayed on your computer screen can be recorded.