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eLearning in emergencies

eLearning was constantly mentioned in the press as the spectre of the H1N1 pandemic flu outbreak threatened to shut down schools. Thankfully, this flu strain is not yet highly fatal. Nevertheless, the question bears asking: What happens if everyone has to be quarantined at home today?


Get organised with the IVLE Lesson Plan

CIT recommends that faculty staff set up lesson plans in IVLE for all modules. This will allow students to get a week-by-week (or topic-by-topic) view of the module, as well as the relevant links to resources for that week (or topic). Here’s a quick Lesson Plan tutorial.


Virtual Classroom through Web Conferencing

The simplest ways to conduct tutorial sessions online is via IVLE chat rooms (live) or IVLE discussion forums (asynchronous). However, you may want a more dynamic and interactive environment to conduct your lessons. This is where web conferencing is useful.

Faculty Voice

Google Docs – An Apt App

Assoc. Prof. Eleanor Wong, Director of the Legal Skills Programme at the NUS Law School shares how she used Google Docs to aid in improving her students’ writing.


Screen Recording simplified

Camtasia Relay is now available to all lecturers for your screen recording needs. Screen recording, also known as screencasting, allows you to record your computer desktop as well as your audio narration. Anything which can be displayed on your computer screen can be recorded.


Video conferencing enables Temple University-NUS SAGE Certification Programme Lectures

  • PR5302 and PR5303 conducted via video conference
  • Programmes part of Temple University-NUS SAGE Certification Programme and MSc (Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology)
  • Inaugural live lecture conducted on Sat 17 Jan 2009
  • “The video conference lectures have been amazing.”


Buzz about BuzzEd

  • First-ever eLearning seminar in NUS - BuzzEd: eLearning possibilities illuminated
  • Educators and vendors covered various aspects of educational technology
  • Many attendees want BuzzEd to be an annual affair and to hear more from teaching peers

Faculty Voice

Dr Low Hong Tong - Living with Fluids, Working with Wikis

  • Dr Low Hong Tong uses wiki project for introductory module on fluid dynamics
  • students work in groups developing informational wiki about diseases involving blood flow
  • wiki history helps to track contributions, which is taken into account for marking


CIT online publications revamp

  • Move to consolidate CIT’s online publications, which spread over several sites
  • CITations online publication incorporating CIT updates, IDEAS newsletter and an Educational Technology blog
  • CIT System Updates separate so that important system messages


Guide to video streaming services in NUS
NUS Galleria? NUScast? NUS YouTube? All of them deal with streaming video, so why are there three different services? This guide features each service and highlights the most appropriate uses for each of them.
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Audio discussion forums with Wimba Voice Board
You can create threaded voice discussions in IVLE communities using Wimba Voice Board. Read this tutorial to find out how to do this.
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Interactive Chemistry Laboratory Manual (ICLM)
Take a peek at how one academic tried to engage students while saving valuable laboratory time using courseware developed in conjunction with CIT.
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Faculty Voice

Mr David Phang gets a (Second) Life
You have probably heard of Second Life, but how many educators have ventured into this brave new world? David Phang from the School of Computing certainly has as his students have selected tutorials in Second Life.
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CIT Audio-Visual Awareness Roadshow
CIT conducted an Audio-Visual Awareness Roadshow on Tuesday, 14 October 2008. This roadshow, the first of its kind in NUS, was aimed at increasing the awareness of the use of audio-visual products and services in supporting teaching and learning.
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