Poll Everywhere is a type of Classroom or Learner Response System (LRS) that allows you to ask various types of questions to students to identify gaps in their understanding and to get students to feedback and contribute ideas. Poll Everywhere can be directly run from the website or be integrated with PowerPoint, Keynote or Google Slides for it to be used seamlessly during lectures. It can be used in all these learning types: face-to-face, online, and hybrid (face-to-face on campus and online off campus sessions happening simultaneously).
CIT will be conducting a seminar on Poll Everywhere to provide a general overview on how to use Poll Everywhere to create various questions (single/multiple MCQ, word cloud, clickable image, open-ended response, and ranking) as well as the Q&A activity type which can be used to collect questions from participants. We will also be discussing how you can match the responses to the students. In addition, we will also look at the type of reports that can be generated using Poll Everywhere.
You will get to see how this tool can be used from a teacher’s perspective and also experience using the tool from the students’ perspectives. This seminar will be conducted in Zoom, so you will also be able to experience how this tool can be used during online or hybrid teaching.
Recording of the sessions will be put in CIT website (http://cit.nus.edu.sg/poll-everywhere/) after the session.
Poll Everywhere Session Dates
No registration is required You may feel free to join any of the session on your preferred date.
Session 1:
Date: 11 January 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 10.30am - 11.30am
Join Zoom Session: https://nus-sg.zoom.us/j/81132546972?pwd=YUJlZGRvYisyM0h5c1VyaHRSclZnZz09
Meeting ID: 811 3254 6972
Passcode: 444199
Session 2:
Date: 13 January 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 10.30am - 11.30am
Join Zoom Session: https://nus-sg.zoom.us/j/88446580673?pwd=Qkc5YXJFL0M0QmtFcDN4QTRJWkJUZz09
Meeting ID: 884 4658 0673
Passcode: 949716