Author Archives: Kenneth PINTO

About Kenneth PINTO

Educational Technologist NUS Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

CIT will be conducting an orientation for faculty and teaching assistants who will be involved in creating Coursera MOOCs.

The purpose of this orientation is to familiarise faculty and teaching assistants who will be using Coursera with its user interface and functions.

This session will provide an overview and best practices to get staff selected for MOOCs to start creating content on the Coursera platform.

Faculty and TAs who will be using Coursera platform to teach in the coming semester have been contacted via email to register and attend. There will be two sessions to choose from. Read the course outline.

Dates: Fri 16 Aug 2013 or Wed 4 Sep 2013
Time: 10 am to 12 noon (same time on both days)
Venue: CIT Global Classroom, Level 3, Computer Centre building, Kent Ridge Campus

The teams participating in iCreate Mobility Challenge 2013 need your votes to win!

View the presentations of the teams and vote for your favourite app before 4th August 2013, 11:59 p.m.

Your vote is powerful!

Pass the word to your friends, your family or the world! The more votes each app gets, the better the chance of that team winning.

There’s something in it for NUS voters, too: one lucky NUS voter will stand to walk away with attractive prizes.

For more information on voting, visit


iCreate Mobility Challenge 2013

iCreate Mobility Challenge 2013

Come join the iCreate Mobility Challenge and bring your great idea and dreams to life!

This year, we challenge you to unleash your skills and creativity to design a totally new, cutting-edge app experience that can enhance students’ experience at NUS. Winning entries will receive great prizes and prominent recognition.

Check out the details and registration at the iCreate Mobility Challenge 2013 website. Register NOW!

Have great ideas but do not know where to show it off?

Ready to break some new ground?

Come join the iCreate Mobility Challenge and bring your great idea and dreams to life! This year, we challenge you to unleash your skills and creativity to design a totally new cutting edge app experience that can enhance students’ experience at NUS to the next level. Winning entries will receive prominent recognition and great prizes.

Check out the details and registration at the iCreate Mobility Challenge 2013 website. Register NOW!