Author Archives: Kenneth PINTO

About Kenneth PINTO

Educational Technologist NUS Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

By SEOW Teck Keong & Jeffery TAY


A large-scale e-exam was held at the National University of Singapore (NUS) for a class of about 670 students in November 2013. Students attempted the e-exam on their own laptops, which were installed with a lockdown browser. The questions were accessed via the university's internal LMS through a wireless internet connection. Some preliminary data from the pilot study that was conducted to investigate the perceptions of the students will be presented during the session. The technical hurdles and challenges faced in administering the e-exam will also be discussed.

Online paper presentation at eAssessment Scotland & Transforming Assessment Online Conference 2014.

The Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT) worked with several teaching staff to launch five Internal Blended Learning Online Courses (iBLOCs) in August 2014.

These were created in collaboration with the Office of the Provost (PVO) and the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL).

The iBLOCs are flipped classrooms. Students watch video lectures before attending class. Lecture time is then used for value-added activities. The iBLOCs this semester are:

Module Code & Title Teaching Staff Department & Faculty
ESE1001 Environmental Engineering Fundamentals Assoc Prof Karina GIN Environmental Science & Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
IS1103FC Computing and Society Assoc Prof Irene WOON Mei Yen
Information Systems,
School of Computing
PR1110 Foundations for Medicinal Chemistry Assoc Prof Giorgia PASTORIN
Assoc Prof CHUI Wai Keung
Assoc Prof Christina CHAI Li Lin
Faculty of Science
PR2101 Dosage Form Design I Assoc Prof CHAN Lai Wah
Dr LOH Zhi Hui
Faculty of Science
SSA1207FC Singapore Literature in English: Selected Texts Assoc Prof Ismail TALIB English Language & Literature,
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences


The Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT) introduces LecturePad. This Android application allows students to take notes while watching NUS lecture videos. The notes are synchronized with the videos, forming an index. Once you have completed taking notes, clicking a part of the notes will jump to the relevant section in the video. Download it here.


  • View NUS lecture videos and take lecture notes that are synchronized to the video.
  • Add notes at any time while watching the lecture video.
  • Clicking on a saved note will seek the video section that the note was recorded.
  • Export the notes and share anywhere.