Author Archives: Kenneth PINTO

About Kenneth PINTO

Educational Technologist NUS Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology


A fifth self-recording room on campus has been launched at the Faculty of Engineering to support the University's technology-enhanced learning initiative.

The Engineering Self-Recording Room is located at Block EA-05-18E.

For booking or other enquiries on the use of this room, please contact Marwan.

Other self-recording rooms are available at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (1), Faculty of Science (1) and the Educational Resource Centre (ERC), UTown (2).

lightboardTo create more engaging and personalised video lectures, CIT has installed a Lightboard at Practice Room 1, Stephen Riady Centre, University Town.

In this recording studio, the Lightboard is positioned between the lecturer and the camera. The board consists of dual-pane glass that is lit from within by LEDs.

Lecturers write on the glass surface with fluorescent markers to ensure that the writing can be seen in the recording. With this setup, any written text will be displayed correctly on the monitor screen as shown in the photo.

Find out more about the Lightboard.


The students sat in neat rows facing their computers.

Unlike a computer laboratory with the click-clack of keyboards, all was silent.

The digital clock struck 10, and the e-examination began.

In January 2016, the Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT) and Computer Centre (CCE) facilitated a high-stakes e-exam at MD 1.

About 300 medical students sat for this e-exam, the main MBBS examination.

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Existing Active Learning Room at S16

Existing Active Learning Room at S16

CIT is coordinating with the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering, Science and the School of Computing to redesign and reconfigure about 35 seminars rooms into active learning seminar rooms to support NUS’ technology-enhanced learning strategy.


A self-recording room will be launched at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. This is the second self-recording room, after the Faculty of Science. A roadshow and demonstration will be held on Mon 9 Feb at 1030 hrs and Tue 17 Feb at 1430 hrs.

For more information about the roadshow and demonstration, please contact the FASS AV Support Unit.