Dr Lee Kim Seng is a multiple award-winning Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is a firm believer in the use of IT in teaching. A/P Lee constantly innovates to ensure students enjoy learning and learn effectively. He fervently supports IVLE usage and has been utilizing it since its inception.

I am the proud winner of the CIT-sponsored NUS Students’ Choice Award for best module website, 2003/4. Strength in numbers: I maintain six sites for the module in question, PH1101EGEM1004 “Reason and Persuasion”. There is a main site, a site for online readings, and four associated weblogs. In this article, by way of telling you what I did right (near as I can figure), I’m mostly going to tell you about ‘blogs’, as they are called.

Welcome to the latest issue of IDEAS where we transit from being a paper-based newsletter to one that is totally online. What is also unique about the new version of IDEAS is that we are utilizing a Weblog publishing system to generate, manage and publish our newsletter.