What’s New

edX for NUS

edX is a not-for-profit MOOC provider that has partnered with 115 top-tier universities and organisations to provide educational materials online.

NUS will be joining edX to allow staff and students to use edX MOOCs and contribute to the MOOC education environment in the following ways:-

  1. Allow our students to view any edX MOOCs for personal and professional development.
  2. Allow our NUS instructors to ‘flip’ external edX MOOCs within NUS
  3. Allow our NUS instructors to ‘flip’ a hybrid NUS/external edX MOOCs with NUS.
  4. NUS instructors ‘flip’ NUS-created single private online courses or MOOCs within NUS.
  5. Allow NUS instructors to create MOOCs on edX for global students.
  6. Design Your Own Module.

NUS’ new learning management system called LumiNUS is integrated to allow single sign on access to edX (Figure 1).

Figure 1

IT Shared Services

Through the Organisational Excellence Initiative initiated by NUS President in 2018, selected IT services in the Faculties will now be supported by NUS IT (formerly called Computer Centre) and CIT. A new division called IT Shared Services has been formed led by NUS IT and CIT. This new division will be responsible for IT support across the Faculties for :-

  1. Classroom support – provided by CIT
    Includes classroom, seminar rooms, lecture theatres, auditoriums, meeting rooms and web lectures.
  2. End User Devices and System support – provided by NUS IT

For CIT, the IT Shared Services team will now also support all the teaching spaces at University Town. NUS IT and CIT’s plan for IT Shared Services is shown below.