Author Archives: Maria GOH

About Maria GOH

Specialist Associate, Centre for Instructional Technology

CIT will be participating in ECAR’s 2017 Student Technology Preference Survey. The survey will give an indication of NUS student’s orientation towards technology, the number and type of devices they own and the extent they use these devices in their academic work. It will also give an indication of students experiences of NUS wireless network and learning environment.

The survey is scheduled to run from 1st February 2017 to 15th April 2017.

As NUS moved its staff and students onto Office 365 in 2016, CIT and Computer Centre are organizing a Microsoft Office 365 seminar for Teaching and Learning on 23rd February 2017.

This seminar will give an overview to staff on the Office 365 tools that they can use to get organized, collaborate and engage with their students and fellow educators. This Microsoft Office 365 seminar for Teaching and Learning is planned to run on a regular basis.