Author Archives: Maria GOH

About Maria GOH

Specialist Associate, Centre for Instructional Technology

Counting down to the graduation from Yale-Nus College, Class of 2017 will be the first graduating Yale-NUS class. The inaugural ceremony will be held on the May 29, 2017 at University Cultural Centre (UCC) . CIT will be recording this event and streaming it live.

Module Trailers

Module trailers are 1 to 2 minute short videos that give students a preview of your module.  The aim of having a module trailer is to excite students about the module and its relevance. Impactful module trailers have the potential to also dispel fears or uncertainty among students who want to sign up for your module. CIT conducts regular training sessions for faculty to create their module trailers. For more information on these training sessions, please visit CIT website at ..


A new video content management system called MediaWeb has been launched. MediaWeb provides speech-to-text and higher levels of user access controls; for example, you can make your video accessible to selected staff or for your department. For more information on MediaWeb, please visit CIT website at ..

Web Lecture Portal

You can now access lectures recorded by CIT through the new Web Lecture portal. Supporting mobile access, this web lecture portal supports speech-to-text and spoken word searches. Faculty can get detailed analytics on the viewing patterns of their students through this web lecture portal.

For more information on accessing this web lecture portal, please visit CIT website at …

NUS TeamUp

TeamUp allows you to create teams with whom you can chat, exchange links and files. This can be done via the web, mobile or desktop apps. Unlike other chat apps, you need not share your phone numbers to use it. Also, replies to messages can be threaded so that communication is kept in context.
In TeamUp, you can group chat with everyone in a team. For large teams, you can set up smaller private groups. Like most messaging service, you can also direct message other members in your team. The service is open to staff and students. TeamUp can be used for modules, projects or any other situation where group communication is needed.

For more information on this service and other CIT services, please email to:

The Provost Office, Computer Centre, CIT and CDTL are organizing the NUS'
Technology Experience Day on the 25th April 2017 from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m at
Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL)

The aim of this inaugural event is to inspire and encourage faculty to experience first-hand technology tools and services that can enhance and create a positive
impact to teaching and learning.

This session is open to all NUS faculty and some of the projects will be showcased during this event:

  1. A/P Erle Lim, Department of Medicine, YLLSOM
    Oculus Rift
  2. Computer Centre
    Google Cardboard + 360-degree Media
    iBeacon + NUS Virtual Cards
  3. Centre for Instructional Technology
    GoPro HERO5 Black and 360fly Cameras
    HTC Vive with Tilt Brush
  4. Dr Emelyn Tan, Department of Chemistry, FOS and
    Mr Giam Kok Leng, Computer Centre, NUS

    3D Augmented Reality App
  5. A/Prof Kelvin Foong, FOD
    EON iBench
  6. Ms Amanda Chia, ST Electronics (Training & Simulation Systems) Pte Ltd
    Flight Crafter
  7. Dr Kevin Yap, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, NUS
  8. Dr Rainer Dumke, Director and Dr Claus Dieter Ohl, Director, Edu2VR
  9. Mr Tan Kay Chuan, Director, School of Electronics & Info-Comm
    Technology, ITE

    CPR+AED Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation
    Learning Apps for Special-Education-Need Students
    Smart Living Solutions
  10. Asst Prof Lu Weiquan and A/Prof Yen Ching-Chiuan, Keio-NUS CUTE
    Center, NUS Interactive & Digital Media Institute

    Virtual Interactive Human Anatomy (VIHA)
    Virtual Interactive Simulation Environment (VISE)
    Project AILE
  11. Mr Loh Mun Yew, ReVR Pte Ltd and Mr T K Ng, Side Effects Asia Pte Ltd
    Tilt Brush

Details of event:
25 APR 2017 | 2 PM to 5.30 PM
Seminar Rooms@ CDTL
15 Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119225

For more information, visit website:
NUS Tech Experience Day

Or register here:

e-Assessments has been re-branded as Digital Assessments to reflect CIT’s mission. CIT advocates the use of technology for both formative and summative assessments.

Digital Assessments using ExamSoft for NUS is now hosted on servers located in Singapore. This gives NUS faster access to ExamSoft.

In 2016/2017 Semester I, 5,000 students did digital assessment vs. 2,000 in 2015/2016 Semester I.