LI Fanghua

LI Fanghua

Personal Particulars
Research Fellow
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,

National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 2,

Singapore, 117576

Office: University Town Create Tower #15-02
Phone: +65 83936218





Ph.D, Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,2014-2018

B.Eng., Environmental Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China; Clean and Renewable Energy, ParisTech, Paris, France.

Research Interests

Green bioenergy conversion and waste treatment to energy and resource,

Catalytic pyrolysis, gasification and Chemical Reaction Engineering,

Heterogeneous catalysis.

Research highlights

Ø  An investigation on conversion of microalgae to liquid transportation fuels via catalytic pyrolysis
·         Investigate the effects of different CO2 concentrations on microalgae growth and

·         characteristics.

·         Investigate the pyrolysis products and components under different pyrolysis conditions and optimize pyrolysis parameters to achieve a high-quality bio-oil.

·         Develop catalysts which are capable of removing oxygen- and nitrogen-containing compounds from bio-oil.

·         Develop adsorbents which are capable of removing nitrogen-containing compounds

·         from bio-oil.



  1. F. Li, X. He, C.A. Shoemaker, C.H. Wang, “Experimental and numerical study of biomass catalytic pyrolysis using Ni2P-loaded zeolite: Product distribution, characterization and overall benefit”, Energy Conversion and Management 208, 112581 (2020).
  2. F. Li, M. J. Hülsey, N. Yan, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang, “Co-transesterification of waste cooking oil, algal oil and dimethyl carbonate over sustainable nanoparticle catalysts”, Chem. Eng. J., 405, 127036 (2021).
  3. L. Zhang, F. Li, A. Kuroki, K.C. Loh, C.H. Wang, Y. Dai, Y.W. Tong, “Algal biochar enhanced mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of algal biomass and food waste: Semi-continuous operation and microbial community analysis”, Bioresource Technology. 302, 122892 (2020).
  4. Hu, J. Jung, D. Chen, K. Leong, S. Song, F. Li, B. Mohan, Z. Yao, A. K. Prabhakar, X. H. Lin, E. Y. Lim, L. Zhang, G. Souradeep , Y.S. Ok, H.W. Kua, S. F. Y. Li, H. T. W. Tan, Y. Dai, Y. W. Tong, Y. Peng, S. Joseph, C.H. Wang “Biochar Industry to Circular Economy”, Science of the Total Environment, 757, 143820 (2021).
  5. F. Li, X. He, A. Srishti, S. Song, H.T.W. Tan, D.J. Sweeney, S. Ghosh, C.H. Wang, “Water hyacinth for energy and environmental applications: A review”, Bioresource Technology, 327, 124809 (2021).
  6. Liu, F. Li, H. Liu, C.H. Wang, “Synergistic effect on co-gasification of chicken manure and petroleum coke: an investigation of sustainable waste management”, Chem. Eng. Journal, 128008 (2020).
  7. Fanghua Li, Lynn E Katz*, Zhiquan Hu*. Adsorption of major nitrogen-containing components in microalgae bio-oil by activated carbon: Equilibrium, kinetics and the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) model. Published September 2019; DOI:10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b03804 (ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering_Q1, Rank 9/138, IF: 7.632).
  8. Fanghua Li, Srikanth Chakravartula Srivatsa, Sankar Bhattacharya*. A review of catalytic pyrolysis of microalgae for production of high-quality bio-oil. Published July 2019, 108, 481-497; DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2019.03.026 (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review_Q1 Rank 5/92, IF: 12.110) 引用>20.
  9. Fanghua Li*, Lynn E Katz*, Siyao Qiu. Adsorptive Selectivity and Mechanism of Three Different Adsorbents for Nitrogenous Compounds Removal from Microalgae Bio-Oil. Published March 2019, 58 (10), 3959–3968; DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b04934 (Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research_Q1, Rank 33/137, IF: 3.573).
  10. Fanghua Li, Srikanth Chakravartula Srivatsa, Warren Batchelor, Sankar Bhattacharya*. A study on growth and pyrolysis characteristics of microalgae using Thermogravimetric Analysis-Infrared Spectroscopy and synchrotron Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Published April 2017, 229, 1-10; DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.01.005 (Bioresource Technology_Q1, Rank 14/160, IF: 7.539).
  11. Srikanth Chakravartula Srivatsa (supervisor), Fanghua Li, Sankar Bhattacharya*. Optimization of reaction parameters for bio-oil production by catalytic pyrolysis of microalga Tetraselmis suecica: Influence of Ni-loading on bio-oil composition. Published November 2019, 142, 426-436; DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2019.04.130 (Renewable Energy_Q1, Rank 7/33, IF: 6.274).
  12. Fanghua Li, Zhiquan Hu*, Bo Xiao. Bio-oil production by thermochemical catalytic liquefaction of bloom-forming cyanobacteria: Optimization using response surface methodology (RSM). Published November 2017; DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02595 (Energy and Fuels_Q1, Rank 27/135, IF: 3.421).
  13. Fanghua Li*, Srikanth Chakravartula Srivatsa, Warren Batchelor. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater by the microalgae biofilm. Published by Coal Technologies Associates June 2017, 758-768; ISBN No.978-0-932066-42-8 Library of Congress Card Catalog No. 86-06147.
  14. Fanghua Li, Srikanth Chakravartula Srivatsa, Sankar Bhattacharya*. Characteristics studies of bio-oil produced via fixed-bed catalytic pyrolysis of the marine microalgae Tetraselmis suecica. Published by Coal Technologies Associates June 2017, 973-984; ISBN No.978-0-932066-42-8 Library of Congress Card Catalog No. 86-06147.
  15. Le Zhang, Fanghua Li, Kai-Chee Loh, Chi-Hwa Wang, Yanjun Dai, Yen Wah Tong*. Methane yield enhancement of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of algal biomass and food waste using algal biochar: Semi-continuous operation and microbial community analysis. Published April 2020, 302; DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122892 (Bioresource Technology_Q1, Rank 14/160, IF: 7.539).
  16. Tingting Xu, Bo Xiao, Gift Gladson Moyo, Fanghua Li, Zhihua Chen, Xun Wang*, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu, Mian Hu.Syngas production via chemical looping reforming biomass pyrolysis oil using NiO/dolomite as oxygen carrier, catalyst or sorbent. Published August 2019; DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2019.111835. (Energy Conversion and Management_Q1, Rank 3/134, IF: 8.208).
  17. Nur H Zainan, Srikanth Chakravartula Srivatsa, Fanghua Li, Sankar Bhattacharya*. Quality of bio-oil from Catalytic Pyrolysis of Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris. Published March 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.166 (Fuel_Q1, Rank 13/135, IF: 5.578)引用>50.
  18. Qiguo Yi, Yongguang Zhang, Fangjie Qi, Bo Xiao, Fanghua Li. Experimental studies on co-firing lignocellulosic biomass with biochar. Published Sepetember 2014; DOI:10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2014.0652. Huanjing Kexue Xuebao/Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae.
  19. Haiping Wang, Zhiquan Hu, Bo Xiao, Qunpeng Cheng, Fanghua Li. Ammonium nitrogen removal in batch cultures treating digested piggery wastewater with microalgae Oedogonium sp. Published July 2013, 68 (2) 269-275; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.230 (Water Science & Technology_Q3, Rank 61/88, IF: 1.530).
  20. Zhihua Chen*, Yaru Li, Xueyi Hou, Fanghua Li, Rongliang Qiu, Xin Zhang. Slow pyrolysis of Sedum Spectabile Boreau under CO2 atmosphere for biochar-adsorbent production:pyrolytic kinetic,product analysis and Cr (VI) removal. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review_Q1 Rank 5/92, IF: 12.110-submitted in October 2019).
  21. Fanghua Li, Dan Sweeney, Yanjun Dai, Chi-Hwa Wang*. Influence of various novel catalysts on algal pyrolysis bio-oil. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews_Q1 Rank 5/92, IF: 12.110-submitted in May 2020)
  22. Ming Liu,Fanghua Li,Haifeng Liu*, Chi-Hwa Wang*.Synergistic effect on co-gasification of chicken manure and petcoke: an investigation of sustainable waste management. (Chemical Engineering Journal_Q1 Rank 2/291, IF: 10.652-submitted in July 2020)
  23. Ming Liu, Fanghua Li,Haifeng Liu, Chi-Hwa Wang*.Synergistic Effect Investigation on Co-Gasification of Chicken Manure and Petcoke. 2020 AIChE Annual Meeting (Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division).


Hu Qiang

Hu Qiang  


Personal Particulars
Research Fellow
NUS Environmental Research Institute,

1 Create Way,

Singapore 138602

Office: Create Tower, #15-02
Phone: (65) 92318060




Ph.D, State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 2012-2018.

B.Eng., School of Power and Energy Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 2008-2012.

Research Interests

Biomass pyrolysis/gasification;

Chemical looping conversion;

Catalytic reaction;

Research highlights

  1. Chemical looping gasification of biomass with Fe2O3/CaO as the oxygen carrier for hydrogen-enriched syngas production

  • Fe2O3/CaO was used as the oxygen carrier for chemical looping gasification of biomass.
  • Hydrogen production was promoted by one step reduction and oxidation of Ca2Fe2O5.
  • A temperature of no less than 800 °C was needed for a completed redox of Ca2Fe2O5.
  • Biomass ash destroyed the Ca2Fe2O5 structure to generate CaSiO3 and Fe2O3 during cyclic test.


  1. Steam co-gasification of horticultural waste and sewage sludge: Product distribution, synergistic analysis and optimization

  • Co-gasification of HW and SS was investigated using steam as gasification agent.
  • H2 content was increased and syngas yield was decreased with higher SS ratio.
  • Syngas yield and H2 production were significantly promoted by synergistic effect.
  • Optimal design and energy flow were performed for steam co-gasification.



[1] Qiang Hu, Ye Shen, Jia Wei Chew, Tianshu Ge, and Chi-Hwa Wang. Chemical looping gasification of biomass with Fe2O3/CaO as the oxygen carrier for hydrogen-enriched syngas production. Chemical Engineering Journal 379 (2020): 122346.

[2] Jingxin Zhang †, Qiang Hu †, Yiyuan Qu, Yanjun Dai, Yiliang He, Chi-Hwa Wang, and Yen Wah Tong. Integrating food waste sorting system with anaerobic digestion and gasification for hydrogen and methane co-production. Applied Energy 257 (2020): 113988. ((† Authors contribute equally to this work.)

[3] Qiang Hu, Yanjun Dai, and Chi-Hwa Wang. Steam co-gasification of horticultural waste and sewage sludge: Product distribution, synergistic analysis and optimization. Bioresource Technology 301 (2020): 122780.

[4] Qiang Hu, and Chi-Hwa Wang. Insight into the Fe2O3/CaO-based chemical looping process for biomass conversion. Bioresource Technology (2020): 123384.

[5] Zhiyi Yao, Xin He, Qiang Hu, Wei Cheng, Haiping Yang, and Chi-Hwa Wang. A Hybrid Peripheral Fragmentation and Shrinking-core Model for Fixed-bed Biomass Gasification. Chemical Engineering Journal (2020): 124940.

[6] Hu, J. Jung, D. Chen, K. Leong, S. Song, F. Li, B. Mohan, Z. Yao, A. K. Prabhakar, X. H. Lin, E. Y. Lim, L. Zhang, G. Souradeep , Y.S. Ok, H.W. Kua, S. F. Y. Li, H. T. W. Tan, Y. Dai, Y. W. Tong, Y. Peng, S. Joseph, C.H. Wang “Biochar Industry to Circular Economy”, Science of the Total Environment, 757, 143820 (2021).

[7] Zhang, Y. Cui, T. Zhang, Q. Hu, Y. W. Tong, Y. He, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang, Y. Peng, “Food waste treating by biochar-assisted high-solid anaerobic digestion coupled with steam gasification: Enhanced bioenergy generation and porous biochar production”, Bioresource Technology, 331, 125051 (2021).

[8] Hu, X. He, Z. Yao, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang, “Gaseous production kinetics and solid structure analysis during isothermal conversion of biomass pellet under different atmospheres”, Journal of Energy Institute, in press (2021).



Babu CM

Babu CM  

Personal Particulars
Research Fellow
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,

National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 2,

Singapore, 117576

Office: E1A-04-01
Phone: (65) 8542 5464

Education & Employment (Industrial Collaboration Projects)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the start-up CBE- Ecosolutions.

Research Fellow, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,

National University of Singapore, August 2018 – Present

  • Awarded the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) Fellowship of 60,000 SGD.
  • Selected to be a part of the Graduate Research Innovation Program (GRIP) and was awarded a start-up grant of 100,000 SGD.

Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Belgium, 2016-2017

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanseo University, South Korea, 2015.

Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, CEG, Anna University, India, 2011-2014.

M.Sc., Applied Chemistry, Anna University, India, 2006-2008.


Research Interests

Nanoscale Materials (Carbon & Metal Oxides);

Water & air Purification;

Waste to resource conversion;

Research highlights

Ø  Nano adsorbent design for heavy metals, rare earths and organic pollutant removal;
Ø  Development of functional nanostructured carbon material for environmental applications.

Patent & Publications

[1] Babu, C.M., Zhiyi, Y., Anbu, T.M., Wang, CH, 2019, A cost-effective way of converting low grade carbon to activated carbon for environmental applications. Singapore Provisional Patent Application ILO Ref: 2019-377.

[2] Arun Kumar, P., Babu, C.M., Tay Teresa, S., Serina, L., Serena, L.M.T., Wang, C.H. Incineration Sewage Sludge Bottom Ash- Chemical Processing, Leaching Patterns and Toxicity Testing, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402, 123350 (2021).

[3] Lin, W.Y., Arun kumar, P, Babu, C.M., Wang, C.H., 2020, A factorial experimental analysis of using wood fly ash as an alkaline activator along with coal fly ash for production of geopolymer-cementitious hybrids, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 718, pp. 135289.

[4] Babu, C. M., Roosen, J., & Binnemans, K. (2018). EDTA-Functionalized Activated Carbon for the Removal of Rare-Earths from Aqueous Solutions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57, 1487-1497.

[5] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Sundaravel, B., Aziz, A., Peng, M. M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported Mesoporous Fe2O3/TiO2 Nanoparticles and Adsorption of of As(III) and As(V) from Potable Water. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 62,199-208.

[6] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Selvamani, A., Pratap Kumar, K., Shakila Parveen, A., Thirukumaran, P., Srinivasan, V. V., Balasubramaniam, R., & Ramkumar, V. (2017). Organic Functionalized Fe3O4/RGO Nanocomposites for CO2 Adsorption. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5, 2440-2447.

[7] Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Sundaravel, B., Shanthi, K., & Murugesan, V. (2015). Dihalogen crosslinked Fe3O4-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for arsenic and mercury adsorption. Science of Advanced Materials, 7, 794-805.

[8] Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Sundaravel, B., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V. (2013). A novel magnetic Fe3O4/SiO2 core-shell nanorods for the removal of arsenic. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13, 2517-2527.

[9] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Ravikumar, R., Peng, M. M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Caprolactam Synthesis using Ce-MCM-41Catalysts. International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 8, 171-182.

[10] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Ravikumar, R., Peng, M. M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Graphene Oxide Amine Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Lead Removal. Information – An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 19, 4445-4450.

[11] Palanisamy, B., Babu, C. M., Sundaravel, B., Anandan, S., & Murugesan., V. (2013). Sol-gel synthesis of mesoporous mixed Fe2O3/TiO2 photocatalyst: Application for degradation of 4-chlorophenol. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 252-253, 233-242.

[12] Sundaravel, B., Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Synthesis of campholenic aldehyde from pinene using bi-functional PrAlPO-5 molecular sieves. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 63, 157-165.

[13] Palanisamy, B., Babu, C. M., Sundaravel, B., Anandan, S., & Murugesan, V. (2013). Visible-light active mesoporous Ce incorporated TiO2 for the degradation of 4-chlorophenol in aqueous solution. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13, 2573-2581.

[14] Sundaravel, B., Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Palanichamy, M., Shanthi, K., & Murugesan, V. (2013). Praseodymium incorporated AlPO-5 molecular sieves for aerobic oxidation of ethylbenzene. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13, 2507-2516.

[15] Palanisamy, B, Babu, C. M., Shanthi, K., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V. (2015). Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous alachlor with visible-light active mesoporous WO3/TiO2. Science of Advanced Materials. 7, 746-755.

[16] Selvamani, A, Babu, C. M., Srinivasan, V. V., Ramkumar, V., Balasubramanian, R., Thirukumaran, P., & Shakilaparveen, A. (2017). Oxidation of cyclohexane over graphene oxide supported flower-like ceria nanocomposites exposed active {1 0 0} facets. Chemistry Select, 2, 6223-6230.

[17] Sundaravel, B., Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V. (2014). Green Synthesis of 5-Arylidene-2,4-Thiazolidinediones Over FeAlPO-5 Catalysts. Advanced Porous Materials, 2, 7-15.

[18] Vinodh, R., Babu, C. M., Aziz, A., Peng, M. M., Palanichamy, M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Microporous Spheres of Tiny Semiconducting Graphene Sheets from Hypercross-linked Polymers: Absorption and CO2 Sorption Characteristics. Advances in Polymer Technology, DOI: 10.1002/adv.21713.

[19] Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Peng, M. M., Babu, C. M., Palanichamy, M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of semiconducting porous carbon for energy applications and CO2 adsorption. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 32, 273-281.

[20] Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Peng, M. M., Babu, C. M., Palanichamy, M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2015). A new strategy to synthesize hypercross-linked conjugated polystyrene and its application towards CO2 sorption. Fibers and Polymers, 16,1458-1467.

[21] Vinodh, R., Babu, C. M., Aziz, A., Ravikumar, R., Palanichamy, M., Choi, E. Y., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Synthesis and Characterization of 1-octyl 2-cyano Acrylate for Wound Healing Applications. International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 8, 339-350.

[22] Vinodh, R., Babu, C. M., Aziz, A., Ravikumar, R., Peng, M. M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T. (2016). Catalytic Conversion on Zeolites: Synthesis and Characterization. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 9, 383-394.

[23] Vinodh, R., Babu, C. M., Aziz, A., Peng, M. M., Palanichamy, M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H.T. (2015). Hyperbranched Graphene for Solar Cell Applications. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10, 33659-33661.

[24]Balasubramanian, R., Thirukumaran, P., Shakila Parveen, A., Babu, C. M., Ramkumar, V., Selvamani, A., Srinivasan, V. V., &  Lee, J. (2017). Synthesis and characterization of alkyl chain containing polytriazoleimide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, DOI: 10.1002/pc.24533.

[25] Selvamani, A., Shanthi, K., Santhanaraj, D., Babu, C. M., Srinivasan, V. V., Thirukumaran, P., Ramkumar, V., Shakilaparveen, A., & Balasubramanian, R. (2018). Effective removal of automobile exhausts over 3D flower-like Ce1-xCuxO2 nanocatalysts exposed active {100} plane. Journal of Rare Earths, 36, 603-612.

[26]Thirukumaran, P., Shakila Parveen, A., Balasubramaniam, R., Ramkumar, V., Selvamani, A., Srinivasan, V. V., Babu, C. M., & Kim,S. C. (2018). Studies on graphene oxide/BMI-reinforced polybenzoxazine nanocomposites. Polymer Bulletin, 1-19.


Conference Publications/ Presentations

[1] Babu, C. M., ‘Bio-Leaching and Metal Extraction Processes for Urban Mining: From Fundamental Principles to Practical Applications’, International Summer School 2016, 4-8 October 2016, Technical University Dresden, Germany.

[2] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Ravikumar, R., Mei Mei, P., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T., ‘Synthesis of Caprolactam using Ceria impregnated and Cerium ions incorporated MCM-41 catalysts’, 8th International Conference on Advances Science and Technology (AST 2016), 13-16 January, 2016, Haikou, China.

[3] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Ravikumar, R., Peng, M. M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T., ‘Removal of heavy metals using Amine crosslinked Reduced Graphene Oxide’, Advanced Green and Smart Technology (AGT-2015), 16-17 December, 2015, Jeju Island, South Korea.

[4] Babu, C. M., Vinodh, R., Aziz, A., Peng, M. M., Palanichamy, M., Cha, W. S., & Jang, H. T., ‘Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported Mesoporous Fe2O3 / TiO2 Nanoparticles for As (V) and As (III) Adsorption’, Proceedings of the Korean Academy of Industrial Science and Technology Conference, 2015/05, 681-681, South Korea.

[5] Yao, Z., Prabhakar, A.K., Babu, C.M., Wang, C.H., “Treatment and Utilization of Solid Residues from Waste Combustion Facilities and Carbon Black Waste for a Sustainable Environment”, 22nd Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’19, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, 20–23 October, 2019.

[6] Li, H., Babu, C.M., Mozhi, A., Wang, C.H., “Waste to Resource: Synthesis of electrolyte in vanadium redox flow battery from fly ash”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, 10-15 November, 2019.

[7] Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V., ‘Amine functionalized Fe3O4/SiO2 core-shell nanorods for the removal of arsenic from aqueous solution’, 21st National Symposium on Catalysis for Sustainable Development, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, 11-13 February 2013, Hyderabad, India.

[8] Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Sundaravel, B., & Murugesan, V., ‘Amine functionalized Fe3O4/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles for the removal of arsenic’, 4th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Material Chemistry, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 11-15 December, 2012, Mumbai, India.

[9]Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V., ‘Rod like magnetic CoFe2O4/SiO2 core/shell nanoparticles: A novel adsorbent for arsenic removal’, International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and their Applications, Panjab University, 16-18 February 2012, Chandigarh, India.

[10] Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V., ‘Functionalized magnetic Fe3O4 silica core-shell nanoparticles for arsenic and fluoride removal’, International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Science for Energy and Environment, LIFE, Loyola College, 11-13 January 2012, Chennai, India.

[11] Babu, C. M., Palanisamy, B., Palanichamy, M., & Murugesan, V., ‘Functionalized magnetic NiFe2O4-SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles for fluoride removal’, National Conference on Interface between Chemical Sciences and Technologies, National Institute of Technology, 29-30 December, 2011, Warangal, India.



Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar  

Personal Particulars
Research Fellow
NUS Environmental Research Institute,

1 Create Way, Create Tower

Singapore 049374 

Office: Create Tower, Level 15 (E2S2)
Phone: (65) 8258 0753


  • Ph.D, Materials Science & Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,2014-2018
  • M.Tech, Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay; Mumbai, 2007-2011
  • B.Tech, Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, 2007-2011

Research Projects:

  • Microencapsulation using pine pollen for molecular delivery
  • Graphene Quantum dots for Drug Delivery
  • Waste to Resource – Ash as Construction and Land Reclamation Material


  • Synthesized geopolymers using coal & wood fly ash along with leachate testing
  • Produced mortar using sewage sludge ash as cement & agggregrate substitute and analysed marine toxicity & macrofouling of the ash mortar against control
  • Removed heavy metals from sewage sludge ash using acids and assessed marine toxicity of raw & processed ash

Geopolymerisation using coal & wood fly ash Marine Toxicity of Raw and Acid treated Sewage Sludge Ash


  • Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Hui Ying Lai, Michael G. Potroz, Michael K. Corliss, Jae Hyeon Park, Raghavendra C. Mundargi, Daeho Cho, Sa-Ik Bang, Nam-Joon Cho,“ Chemical processing strategies to obtain sporopollenin exine capsules from multi-compartmental pine pollen” J. of Industrial Engineering & Chemistry,53, 375-385  May 2017 
  • Arun Kumar Prabhakar#, Michael G. Potroz#, Ee-Lin Tan, Haram Jung, Jae Hyeon Park, and Prof. Nam-Joon Cho*;”Microencapsulation with Plant-Based Multi-Cavity Microparticles: Nanoporous Microstructures, Loading Optimization, and Controlled Release“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,10, 28428-28439  July  2018
  • Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Michael G. Potroz, Soohyun Park, Eijiro Miyako* and Nam-Joon Cho*; “Spatially controlled molecular encapsulation in natural pine pollen microcapsules”, Particles & Particle Systems Characterisation,1800151 July  2018
  • Wenlin Yvonne Lin#, Arun Kumar Prabhakar# , CM.Babu, Shin Nuo Koh, Chi-Hwa Wang*”A factorial experimental analysis of using wood fly ash as alkaline activator for co-geopolymerisation with coal fly ash”- Science of Total Environment) (#- denotes equal contributing first authors) November 2019
  • Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Babu Cadiam Mohan, Teresa Stephanie Tay, Serina Siew-Chen Lee, M.S.; Serena Lay-Ming Teo-“ Incineration Sewage Sludge Bottom Ash- Chemical Processing, Leaching Patterns and Toxicity Testing”- Journal of Hazardous Materials June  2020
  • Qiang Hu, Janelle Jung, Dexiang Chen, Ken Leong, Shuang Song, Fanghua Li, Babu Cadiam Mohan, Zhiyi Yao, Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Xuan Hao Lin, Ee Yang Lim, Le Zhang, Gupta Souradeep, Yong Sik Ok, Harn Wei Kua, Sam FY Li, Hugh TW Tan, Yanjun Dai, Yen Wah Tong, Yinghong Peng, Stephen Joseph, Chi-Hwa Wang-“ Biochar industry to circular economy”- Science of Total Environment Feb 2021
  • Anbu Mozhi, Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Babu Cadiam Mohan, Vishnu Sunil, Jia Heng Teoh, Chi-Hwa Wang- “ Toxicity effects of size fractions of incinerated sewage sludge bottom ash on human cell lines”- Environment International Jan 2022

Conference Presentations

[1] Presented a poster titled “Protein-free Pine Pollen Microcapsules for Molecular Loading” at the NTU-IITB joint symposium(NTU), March 2017.

[2] Presented a poster titled “Controlled Release from Defatted Pine Pollen” at the 4th European Biopharma Congress(Vienna, Austria) , November 2017.

[3]  Z Yao, A.K. Prabhakar, Babu, CM, C.H. Wang, “Treatment and Utilization of Solid Residues from Waste Combustion Facilities and Carbon Black Waste for a Sustainable Environment”, 22nd Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’19, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, 20–23 October, 2019.- Accepted Abstract

[4] “Geopolymerisation using coal fly ash and wood fly ash with internal and external alkali sources”

Engineering Sustainable Development, Seoul, Korea,2019- Accepted Abstract

[5] “Geopolymerisation using coal fly ash and wood fly ash with internal and external alkali sources”

Engineering Sustainable Development, Seoul, Korea,2019- Accepted Abstract

[6] “Conversion of Hazardous Coal Fly Ash and Wood Fly Ash to Valuable Geopolymer Using a Green Method” – 3rd Sustainable Waste Management Conference, AIChe 2021

Video Presentation




Anbu Mozhi

Anbu Mozhi  


Personal Particulars
Research Fellow
NUS Environmental Research Institute

1 Create Way, CREATE Tower,

Singapore 138602

Office:Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (WS2-06-17)
Phone: (65) 83506458

Personal Website


2012-2017:      Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nanoscience and Technology, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P. R. China.

Title: Peptide Conjugated PEG-based Biodegradable Polymeric Nanomicelles for Cancer Drug Delivery.

2007-2010:      M.Sc., M.Tech. in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Madras, Chennai, India.

2004-2007:      B.Sc. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, University of Madras, Chennai, India.

Research Interests

  • Synthesis and characterization of stimuli responsive biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymers
  • Construction of nanoparticle platforms for effective drug delivery/photodynamic therapy, imaging/diagnosis and nanomaterials-enabled immunotherapy for cancer
  • Design of polymer-drug conjugates for the eradication of bacterial infection
  • Nanocomposites for the inhibition of amyloid causing proteins

Technical Experience

  • Synthesis of block copolymers via ROP, ATRP, RAFT and Michael addition.
  • Synthesis of inorganic nanomaterial like Ceria nanosphere/nanocubes, Au, Fe, GO/Au, GO/IO, GO/IO/CS.
  • Synthesis of prodrug conjugates.
  • Preparation of microbial culture media, sterilization, Mass cultivation of bacteria for the determination of Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC), Nanocomposites on Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacterial biofilm eradication.
  • Demonstrated experience in handling MRI imaging, biochemical tools and assays, such as flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, western blots, analysis of immune system stimulation, Immunohistochemistry staining, Cell processing for Bio-TEM imaging and histopathology studies.
  • Experience in cellular and cancer biology (2D and 3D multicellular spheroids) techniques.
  • Prior experience in working with animal model for burn wound treatment (Sprague Dawley Rats) and breast cancer/orthotopic glioblastoma Multiforme (Nude Mice).


  • V. Sunil, A. Mozhi, W. Zhan, J.H. Teoh, C.H. Wang,Convection enhanced delivery of light responsive antigen capturing oxygen generators for chemo-phototherapy triggered adaptive immunity”, Biomaterials, in press (2021).
  • Ramasamy, P. Davoodi, S. Vijayavenkataraman, J. H. Teoh, A. M. Thamizhchelvan, K. S. Robinson, B. Wu, J. Y.H. Fuh, T. DiColandrea, H. Zhao, E. B. Lane, C.H. Wang, “Optimized construction of a full thickness human skin equivalent using 3D bioprinting and a PCL/collagen dermal scaffold”, Bioprinting 21 e00123 (2021).
  • Anbu Mozhi, Vishnu Sunil, Wenbo Zhan, Pramila Baban Ghode, Nitish V Thakor and Chi-Hwa Wang*, Enhanced Penetration of Pro-Apoptotic and Anti-Angiogenic Micellar Nanoprobe in 3D Multicellular Spheroids for Chemophototherapy. Journal of Controlled Release (2020), 323, 502-518. IF = 7.940
  • Jia Heng Teoh, Anbu Mozhi, Pooya Davoodi, Srinivas Ramasamy, Sanjairaj, Qiaoyun Yang, Teresa Dicolandrea, Helen Zhao, Jerry Fuh, Yih-Cherng Liou and Chi-Hwa Wang*, Investigation of the application of a taylor-couette bioreactor in the post-processing of bioprinted human dermal tissue, Biochemical Engineering Journal (2019), 151,107317. IF = 3.37
  • Anbu Mozhi, Israr Ahmad, Ruslan G Tuguntaev, Ahmad Shaker Eltahan, Shizhu Chen, Chan Li *, Xing-Jie Liang*, Nrp-1 receptor targeting peptide functionalized TPGS micellar nanosystem to deliver 10-hydroxycampotothecin for cancer chemotherapy. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2018, 547, 582-592. IF = 4.320; Cited by 7
  • Anbu Mozhi, Israr Ahmad, Okeke C, Chan Li *, and Xing-Jie Liang*, pH-Sensitive Polymeric Micelles for codelivery of Proapoptotic Peptide and anticancer drug for synergistic cancer therapy. RSC Advance 2017, 7, 12886-12896. IF = 3.16; Cited by 19.
  • Israr Ahmad,Anbu Mozhi, Lin Yang, Qiusan Han, Xing-Jie Liang, Chan Li, Rong Yang*, and Chen Wang*, Graphene Oxide/Iron Oxide Nanocomposite as an Inhibitor of β-Amyloid. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2017, 159, 540-545. IF = 4.040; Cited by 4 
  • Ruslan G. Tuguntaeva, Shizhu Chen, Ahmed Shaker Eltahan, Anbu Mozhi, Shubin Jin, Jinchao Zhang, Chan Li*, and Xing-Jie Liang*, P-gp Inhibition and Mitochondria impairment by Dual-functional Nanostructure Based on Vitamin E Derivatives to Overcome Multidrug Resistance. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2017, 9, 16900-16912. IF = 8.330; Cited by 28.
  • Shizhu Chen, Keni Yang, Ruslan G Tuguntaev, Anbu Mozhi, Jinchao Zhang, Paul C Wang, Xing-Jie Liang*, Targeting tumor microenvironment with PEG-based amphiphilic nanoparticles to overcome the chemoresistance. Nanomedicine 2016, 12, 269. IF = 5.620; Cited by 62.
  • Juan Liu, Yurang Huang, Anil Kumar, Aaorn Tan, Shubin Jin, Anbu Mozhi, Xing-Jie Liang*, pH Sensitive nano-systems for drug delivery in cancer therapy. Biotechnology Advances 2014, 32, 693. IF = 13.220; Cited by 630.
  • Hongmei Liu, Yan li, Anbu Mozhi, Liang Zhang, Yilan Liu, Xia Xu, Jianmin Xing, Xing-Jie Liang*, Guanghui Ma, Jun Yang, Xin Zhang*, SiRNA Phospholipids conjugates for gene and drug delivery in cancer treatment. Biomaterials, 2014, 6519. IF = 10.250; Cited by 57
  • Anil Kumar, Fei Chen, Anbu Mozhi, Xu Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Xiangdong Xue Yanli Hao, Xiaoning Zhang, Paul C Wang, Xing-Jie Liang*, Innovative pharmaceutical development based on unique properties delivery formulation. Nanoscale 2013, 5, 8307. IF = 6.97; Cited by 67


  • C.M. Babu, Zhiyi Y, T. Anbu Mozhi, C.H. Wang*, 2019, A Cost-effective way of converting low grade carbon to activated for environmental applications. ILO Ref: 2019-377
  • J.H. Teoh, T. Anbu Mozhi, Jerry Y.H. Fuh, S.M. Tay, C.H. Wang*, 2020, Photocrosslinkable, drug-loaded, customizable, on-demand hydrogel wound dressings for the treatment of thermal burns. ILO Ref: 2020-186
  • Xing-Jie Liang*, Anbu Mozhi, Chan Li, Israr Ahmad, Chukwunweike Ikechukwu Okeke, pH-sensitive and angiogenesis targeting polymeric micelles for co-delivery of proapoptotic peptide and docetaxel and their preparation. Patent number: 201710010597.1

Conferences/Invited Speaker

  1. Guest Speaker – Live Webinar conducted by CELLINK Life Science, “3D Bioprinting Pipeline of a Full Thickness Human Skin Model”, National University of Singapore, June 11, Singapore.
  2. Invited Speaker at the workshop NUS-Zhejiang University on “Glutathione modified Pro-Apoptotic and Anti-Angiogenic Micellar Nanoprobe for Chemophototherapy of High-grade Glioma”, National University of Singapore, (July 24-25, 2019), Singapore.
  3. Jia Heng Teoh, Anbu Mozhi and Chi-Hwa Wang, ‘Post-processing of 3D Bioprinted Human Dermal Tissues in the Dynamic Culture Environment of a Taylor-Couette Device’, Poster presentation in the 2019 AIChE Annual meeting, Orlando, USA.
  4. Vishnu Sunil, Anbu Mozhi and Chi-Hwa Wang, “Enhanced tumor delivery of SP1 Protein Inhibitor using DSPE-PEG Micelles for the treatment of recurrent high-grade glioma”. Poster presentation in the Controlled Release Society (CRS), (July 21-24, 2019), Valencia, Spain.
  5. He Li, B. C. Mohan, Anbu Mozhi, Chi-Hwa Wang, “Waste to Resource: Synthesis of electrolyte in vanadium redox flow battery from fly ash”, AIChE Annual Meeting, 10-15 November, 2019; Orlando, Florida, USA.
  6. H. Teoh, Anbu Mozhi, S.M. Tay, C.H. Wang, “Complex Multi-layered Microparticle Laden Fixed Hydrogel Wound Dressing Fabricated via 3D Printing for the Treatment of Thermal Burns”, AIChE Annual Meeting, 10-15 November, 2019; Orlando, Florida, USA.
  7. International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, China Nano 2013 and 2015 Beijing, China.
  8. Molecular basis of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, October, 2013, Beijing, China
  9. Green Nanotechnology, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2013, Beijing, China.

Awards and Achievements

  • President scholarship (2015-2017), National Center for Nanoscience & Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  • Director Major Award 2014, National Center for Nanoscience & Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  • Director Major Award 2013, National Center for Nanoscience & Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  • Awarded Chinese Government Scholarship for International Student. (2012 – 2016).