Chi-Hwa Wang Workshop 2024

In Celebration of Chi-Hwa Wang’s 30-Year Journey of Research and Education in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Group photo of Chi-Hwa Wang Workshop 2024


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Time (SG) Details
8.55-9.05am Opening Address by Prof. Chi-Hwa Wang

Guests of Honour:

Prof. Sankaran Sundaresan (Princeton University)

Prof. Saif A Khan (Head, ChBE Department, National University of Singapore)

Prof. Yen Wah Tong (National University of Singapore)

9.05-9.10am Group Photo Session

(Please be prepared to have your computer camera on during this session. We will be taking a group snapshot using Zoom’s gallery view, and the photo will be shared after the event.)

Presentation session



 9:10-9:15am Jingwei Xie (Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)

New forms of electrospun nanofiber materials for biomedical applications

 9:15-9:20am  Vishnu Sunil  (CEO, Emerstat, USA)

Introduction to Emerstat

 9:20-9:25am  Siming You (Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK)

Energy and environmental system integration and optimisation: Learning from Professor Chi-Hwa Wang

 9:25-9:30am Wenbo Zhan (Lecturer, University of Aberdeen, UK)

Multiscale modelling of drug delivery to brain cancers

 9:30-9:35am Jun Yao (Professor, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China)

Investigation of granular electrostatics since 2003

 9:35-9:40am Yongpan Cheng (Professor, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China)

Appreciate greatly for bringing me into new energy area

 9:40-9:45am Weicheng Yan (Professor and Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Office, Jiangsu University, China)

External field intensified particle technology and AI driven flow pattern recognition

 9:45-9:50am  Wenbiao Zhang (Associate Professor, North China Electric Power University, China)

Electromagnetic tomography for imaging of fluidized beds

 9:50-9:55am  Liping Wei (Associate Professor, Northwest University, China)

Celebration of Chi-Hwa Wang’s 30-Year journey of research and education in chemical engineering

 9:55-10:00am  Zhiyi Yao (Co-founder & CEO, CBE Eco-Solutions Pte. Ltd)

Recycle industrial carbon waste into high-value products

 10:00-10:05am  Fanghua Li (Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

High-value utilization of biomass and green circular economy

 10:05-10:10am  Xin He (Assistant Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University, China)

Physics-informed machine learning for process system engineering of high-dimensional energy systems

 10:10-10:15am  Qiang Guo (Associate Professor, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

From multiphase granular flow to a broad spectrum of particle technology, a lesson learned from Prof. Wang

 10:15-10:20am  Xian Li (Senior Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore)

Sustainable fuels from sunlight, water, and solid waste

 10:20-10:25am  Guowu Zhan (Professor, Huaqiao University, China)

Design of bifunctional catalysts by biotempaltes for CO2 thermal hydrogenation

 10:20-10:25am  Xiaoqiang Cui (Associate Professor, Tianjing University, China)

Sustainable treatment of biomass wastes derived from environmental remediation

 10:25-10:30am  Kewu Zhu (Professor, Shaoxin University, China)

Celebrating Dr Chi-Hwa Wang: 30-Years of shaping mind

 10:30-10:35am  Ye Shen (Manager, BASF Catalysts (Shanghai) Co., Ltd)

Implementing PhD research experience in industry

 10:35-10:40am  Qinwen Liu (Lecturer, Southeast University, China)

Study of a commercial-scale poultry manure oxy-fuel gasification plant via CFD modeling

 10:40-10:45am  Jia Heng Teoh (Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Application of multi-material direct ink writing in fabricating drug delivery devices and sustainable engineered living materials

 10:45-10:50am  Hemin Nie (Professor, Hunan University, China)

A DNA aptamer targeting cellular fibronectin rather than Plasma fibronectin for bioimaging and diagnosis

 10:50-10:55am  Yong Hu (Professor, Nanjing University, China)

A brief learning period, eternal beautiful memories

10:55-11:00am Qiang Hu (Lecturer, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Green hydrogen production from gasification of biomass

11:00-11:05am Bo Wang (Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

Solar biomass chemical looping gasification: From NUS to HIT

11:05-11:10am Pooya Davoodi (Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Keele Uniersity, UK)

Summary of my previous and current research works

11:10-11:15am Concluding Remarks

Short talk abstract

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact Yiying (