A short video clip on the topic of “Factory-Farmed Meat”, covering the issue of the Rationality Objection and the possible replies to it by utilising a hypothetical example of us humans eating human meat. In this video, we attempt to demonstrate how there are no morally relevant differences or qualities that exist between humans and animals that would allow us to treat the two groups differently on whether we can consume them as food or not.
- CHUA JIA YING JAMIE – idea generation, side cast, assist in video editing
- JUANITA ONG QIAN WEI – idea generation, main video editor, cameraman
- LIM JIA YI – idea generation, main cast
- ONG JIN XIN – idea generation, main cast
- YAP JIA XIN – idea generation, side cast, assist in video editing
- YU MENGTING – idea generation, side cast, prepared props