The Pecha Kucha ( is a 20slides x 20seconds presentation format, giving us 400 seconds to convey our message. Recently at the NUS Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC) 2019, a few colleagues and I have shared our teaching practices and experiences via Pecha Kucha.
This is a very refreshing and exciting (breath taking if i may say) presentation mode as we allow the slides to transit automatically every 20 seconds. Meaning, we need to be very clear on our message and the materials on each slide. Sometimes, you feel like you are chasing the slides. But the preparation helps us to think about the way we present and the message that we are bringing across better.
Overall, It was a great experience and I’ve made a few new friends during the workshop and conference. I must say I have enjoyed the Pecha Kucha presentations by my colleagues and friends. Some of their presentation style and the vibes they send out during their talks is really a very valuable lesson for my own learning as well!
I have made a recorded version of the presentation for sharing of the presentation as well as to help you understand how the Pecha Kucha format works. Hope you enjoy the sharing!
If you have any queries, you can contact me at or leave a comment on this blogpost.
Cheers, Cindy