Committee Member, IChemE Education Special Interest Group (2019-Present)
Editorial Board, Advanced Powder Technology (Elsevier) (2012-2018)
TechExpert, IPI Singapore (2018-Present)
Reviewer, Chemical Engineering Science, Nano Today, Advanced Powder Technology, Powder Technology, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Process Biochemistry, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Journal of CO2 Utilization, etc.
Invited Reviewer, Funding Proposals
Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2016) (Executive organizing committee), (Awards Chair) (July 2016)
Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2016) (Executive organizing committee) (Awards Chair) (July 2016)
5th Asian Particle Technology (APT2012) (Local organizing committee) (Poster session and Awards Chair) (July 2012)
IChemE Associate member (AmIChemE), (2019- Present)
IChemE Education Special Interest group, (2019-Present)
International Society for the Advancement of Supercritical Fluids (ISASF), Member (2017-Present)
World Society for Sustainable Energy Technologies (WSSET), Member (2017-Present)
Higher Education Academy (UK), Associate Fellow (2013-Present)
Bioenergy society of Singapore (BESS), Member (2012-Present)
- Pecha Kucha Workshop
- Designing learning activities to promote deep learning
- Promoting student engagement in large classes
- Developing e-learning resources using Camtasia studio
- Recording online lectures with Panapto
- Workshop + Microteaching Practice session
- EAB Accreditation & Assessment in Engineering Education Workshop (2 days)
Coaching and Mentoring Workshop (Organized by SIT for Integrated Work Study Placement supervisors (2018))
- Coaching‐Mentoring Skills
- Developing a growth mindset in students
Chemical Engineering Design Project Workshop (Organized by IChemE Education Special Interest group, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
Leading Safely (Course approved and validated by Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (Apr 2017), by KBA Training Centre Pte Ltd)
Managing your academic career for women Workshop (Newcastle University, Staff Development Unit (Jul 2015))
Personal Tutoring (Mentoring/ Pastoral Care) Workshop (Newcastle University, Staff Development Unit (Jul 2015))
Certificate in Advanced Studies in Academic Practice (CASAP) (Newcastle Learning and Teaching Development Service (Completed Aug 2013))
- Learning, Teaching and Engaging Students
- Module Design and Supporting Learning