LI Xian |
Personal Particulars | |
Ph.D. (Power Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physics), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 2015
M.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering), Hohai University, China, 2010
B.Eng. (Thermal Power Engineering), Hohai University, China, 2007
Research Interests
- Optical and thermal engineering sciences applied in solar energy conversion
- Enhancement of solar-to-thermal conversion employed advanced solar optics and heat/mass transfer
- Highly efficient solar cooling and heating for low-carbon/net-zero-energy buildings
- Solar fuel converted from carbonaceous feedstock (solid waste), water and carbon dioxide
Research highlights
- Energy and Fuels from Sunlight, Solid Waste, CO2 and H2O
A solar-and-biomass bi-source nexus is introduced to provide a promising and sustainable approach for the synthetics of cogeneration of electrical power, fuels and cooling & heating. Biomass/waste as a promising carbonaceous feedstock could be an appropriate candidate due to its combustible form stored high-energy density.
Solar gasification uses highly concentrated solar radiation as source of high-temperature process heat to drive gasification processes. In general, improving the heat value of the product syngas, the steam/CO2 mixture serves as the gasification agent of carbonaceous feedstock. Thus, solar energy in an amount equal to the enthalpy change of the endothermic reactions. Conversion performance of thermochemical gasification of solid waste can be significantly improved, accompanied by solar energy stored as a fuel carrier.
- Solar Fuel Laboratory at E2S2-CREATE Program
Publications (Selected)
- Li X, Lin M, Dai YJ*, Wang CH. Comparison-based optical assessment of hyperboloid and ellipsoid reflectors in a beam-down solar tower system with linear Fresnel heliostats. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (ASME). 2017;139(6):061003.
- Li X, Shen Y, Kan X, Hardiman TK, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Thermodynamic assessment of a solar/autothermal hybrid gasification CCHP system with an indirectly radiative reactor. Energy. 2018;142:201–14.
- Li X, Kan X, Sun X, Zhao Y, Ge T, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Performance analysis of a biomass gasification-based CCHP system integrated with variable-effect LiBr-H2O absorption cooling and desiccant dehumidification. Energy. 2019;176:961-79.
- Li X, Lin A, Young CH, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Energetic and economic evaluation of hybrid solar energy systems in a residential net-zero energy building. Applied Energy. 2019;254:113709.
- Li X*, Wang CH*. 2017 P.V. Danckwerts Memorial Lecture Special Issue Editorial: Advances in Emerging Technologies of Chemical Engineering towards Sustainable Energy and Environment: Solar and Biomass. Chemical Engineering Science. 2019:115384. (Guest Editor)
- Li X, Shen Y, Wei L, He C, Lapkin AA, Lipiński W, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Hydrogen production of solar-driven steam gasification of sewage sludge in an indirectly irradiated fluidized-bed reactor. Applied Energy. 2019;261: 114229.
- Li X, Kan X, Sun X, Zhao Y, Ge T, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Performance analysis of a biomass gasification based CCHP system with variable-effect LiBr-H2O absorption cooling and desiccant dehumidification. Energy Procedia. 2019 Feb 1;158:4729-34.
- Maneerung T1, Li X1, Li C, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Integrated downdraft gasification with power generation system and gasification bottom ash reutilization for clean waste-to-energy and resource recovery system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018;188:69–79. (Co-first author)
- Shen Y, Li X, Yao Z, Cui X, Wang CH*. CO2 gasification of woody biomass: Experimental study from a lab-scale reactor to a small-scale autothermal gasifier. Energy. 2019;170:497-506.
- Li L, Li X, Chong C, Wang CH, Wang X. A decision support framework for the design and operation of sustainable urban farming systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020;268:121928.
- Wei L, Li X, Yang W, Dai Y, Wang CH. Optimization of operation strategies of a syngas-fueled engine in a distributed gasifier-generator system driven by horticulture waste. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020;208:112580.
- Kan X, Wei L, Li X, Li H, Zhou D, Yang W, et al. Effects of the three dual-fuel strategies on performance and emissions of a biodiesel engine. Applied Energy. 2020;262:114542.
- J. Chen, X. Li, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang, “Energetic, economic, and environmental assessment of a Stirling engine based gasification CCHP system”, Applied Energy, 281, 116067 (2021).
- X. Li, J. Chen, W. Lipinsky, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang “A 28 kWe multi-source high-flux solar simulator: Design, characterization, and modeling”, Solar Energy, 211, 569-583 (2020).
- X.Y. Sun, J.L. Chen, Y. Zhao, X. Li, T.S. Ge, C.H. Wang, Y.J. Dai, “Experimental investigation on a dehumidification unit with heat recovery using desiccant coated heat exchanger in waste to energy system”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 185, 116342 (2021).
- X. Li, J. Chen, X. Sun, Y. Zhao, C. Chong, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang, “Multi-criteria decision making of biomass gasification-based cogeneration systems with heat storage and solid dehumidification of desiccant coated heat exchangers”, Energy 233, 121122 (2021).
- Arora, J. Jung, M. Liu, X. Li, A. Goel, J. Chen, S. Song, C. Anderson, D. Chen, K. Leong, S. H. Lim, S. L. Fong, S. Ghosh, A. Lin, H.W. Kua, H.T.W. Tan, Y. Dai, C.H. Wang, “Gasification biochar from horticultural waste: An exemplar of the circular economy in Singapore”, Science of the Total Environment 781, 146573 (2021).
- Wang CH*, Tong YW*, Loh KC*, Wang RZ*, Li X*, Advanced technologies on sustainable energy and environment: SET2016 virtual special issue. Energy. 2017;137:350–2. (Guest Editor)
Conference Publications/ Presentations (selected)
- Li X, Shen Y, Lipiński W, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Gasification of Organic Solid Waste Under High-Flux Solar Irradiation: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Fixed-Bed Reactor Evaluation. 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. Hyatt Regency, Orlando, USA, November 10-15, 2019.
- Li X*, Dai, Y, Wang CH. Waste-to-energy systems towards energetic and environmental sustainability. International Young Scholar’s Symposium of Fuzhou University Green Petrochemical Engineering Innovation Center. Fuzhou, China, 31 Dec 2018. (Invited Speaker)
- Li X, Kan X, Sun X, Zhao Y, Ge T, Dai Y, Wang CH*. Performance analysis of a biomass gasification based CCHP system with variable-effect LiBr-H2O absorption cooling and desiccant dehumidification. ICAE2018. Hong Kong, China, 22–25 August 2018.
- Li X*, Shen Y, Kan X, Dai Y, Wang CH. Potential Evaluation of a Solar/autothermal Hybrid Gasification based Tri-generation System in Singapore. 2018 AIChE Singapore Local Section Annual Conference. Singapore, 18 May 2018. (Invited Speaker)
- Li X*, He C, Shen Y, Dai Y, Wang CH. Syngas Production from Sewage Sludge By Solar-Driven CO2 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN, USA, Oct. 29–Nov. 3, 2017.
Video Presentation