Multi Ethnic Cohort Phase 1 (MEC1)

The Singapore Multi-Ethnic Cohort Phase 1 (MEC1) is a large population-based cohort comprising of Chinese, Indian, and Malays participants aged 21 years and older during recruitment. The exclusion criteria are: being diagnosed with cancer, heart disease, stroke, renal failure, or serious mental illnesses at the time of recruitment.

Data has been collected at 3 different timepoints: baseline, 2004 to 2010 (MEC1_T1); first follow-up, 2011 to 2016 (MEC1_T2); and second follow-up, 2016 to 2021 (MEC1_T3).

MEC1_T1 (2004 to 2010)

MEC1_T1 is a closed cohort which included a total of 14,600 male and female adults. The cohort was formed by combining two existing population-based studies conducted between 2004 to 2007, the Singapore Prospective Study Program (SP2) and the Singapore Cardiovascular Cohort Study (SCCS2), with additional recruitment of 6,300 participants from 2007 to 2010 (SCCS-MEC). The combined cohort has a good representation of Chinese, Malay, and Indian ethnic groups.

The SP2 and SCCS2 cohorts recruited participants from 4 previous cross-sectional studies: Thyroid and Heart Study 1982–84, National Health Survey 1992, National University of Singapore Heart Study 1993–95 and National Health Survey 1998.

Ethics approval for the SP2 study was provided by the SingHealth Centralised Institutional Review Board (IRB). The remaining MEC1 studies were approved by the National University of Singapore (NUS) IRB.

Detailed cohort information has been described in Tan KHX et al. Cohort Profile: The Singapore Multi-Ethnic Cohort (MEC) study. Int J Epidemiol. 2018 Feb 13.

 Study  IRB Approval Ref No  Principal Investigator  Documents
SP2  SingHealth CIRB-C 2018/2970 Prof Wong Tien Yin
Prof Tai E Shyong
Participant information sheet
Consent form
SCCS2  NUS 04-127  A/P Lee Jen-mai Jeannette Participant information sheet
Consent form
 SCCS-MEC  NUS 06-127  Prof Rob van Dam Participant information sheet and consent form

MEC1_T2 (2011 to 2016)

After baseline recruitment between 2004 and 2010, the first in-person follow-up with the cohort participants began in 2011 and ended in 2016. An intensive protocol including an assessment of health care expenditure, bone densitometry and body fat and lean mass composition, and cardiac computed tomography (CT) was conducted for 805 Chinese participants, aged 50 and older. These intensive investigations on the older Chinese ended in 2012. After this, the follow-up continued with a less intensive protocol for the rest of the cohort. A total of 6,200 were revisited between 2011 and 2016.

 Study  IRB Approval Ref No  Principal Investigator  Documents
 MEC1_T2 (pilot)  NUS 10-434  Prof Rob van Dam Participant information sheet and consent form
 MEC1_T2  NUS 12-140  Prof Rob van Dam Participant information sheet and consent form

MEC1_T3 (2016 to 2021)

Individuals who participated in either MEC1_T1 or MEC1_T2 were invited for this follow-up study (MEC1_T3). A total of 4,900 participants were revisited between 2016 and 2021.

 Study  IRB Approval Ref No  Principal Investigator  Documents
 MEC1_T3  NUS LB-16-125  Dr Xueling Sim Participant information sheet
Consent form

Summary of data collected across all timepoints of MEC1

The data dictionaries, data collection forms (DCF), and categories of variables collected across all timepoints of MEC1 are provided below.

Source Section MEC1_T1
Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary
Pilot DCF
Main DCF
Data Dictionary
Main DCF
Online survey and telephone interview
Questionnaire Socio-demographic characteristics x x x
Questionnaire Smoking x x x
Questionnaire Alcohol consumption x x x
Questionnaire Dietary assessment x x
Questionnaire Physical activity x x x
Questionnaire Personal medical history x x x
Questionnaire Family medical history x x x
Questionnaire Medical information x x x
Questionnaire Mental health x x
Questionnaire Cognition x x
Questionnaire Wellbeing x x x
Questionnaire Social and family x x x
Questionnaire Sleep o x
Questionnaire Healthcare expenditure o
Questionnaire Health behaviour o
Physical examination Anthropometry x x x
Physical examination Body composition and bone mineral density o
Physical examination Eye health x x
Physical examination Cardiovascular health x x x
Physical examination Peripheral neuropathy x x x
Physical examination Physical fitness x x
Physical examination Pulmonary health x
Physical examination Urine biomarkers x x x
Physical examination Blood biomarkers (core) x x x
Physical examination Blood biomarkers (others) x x x
Physical examination Omics * *

o Performed only in the pilot MEC1_T2 study
* Performed in a subset of participants

Updated on 26 March 2024