Singapore Health Study 2 (SH2)

Singapore Health 2 (SH2) is our second nationally representative survey, after the Singapore Health 2012 (SH2012) survey. The primary aims of SH2 are to

  1. Assess the health status, including common chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and mental wellness among Singaporeans, to allow for comparisons of disease prevalence over time.
  2. Assess health-related lifestyle factors including smoking and physical activity among Singaporeans.
  3. Estimate the proportion of the Singapore population that has latent or inactive tuberculosis.

Data and samples were collected at 2 different timepoints: baseline, 2014 to 2015 (SH2_T1); and first follow-up, 2018 to 2021 (SH2_T2).

SH2_T1 (2014 to 2015)

A random sample of 15,000 households in select districts of the western, northern, downtown core, and eastern areas of Singapore was generated. One member from each enumerated household who met the eligibility criteria (Singapore citizens or permanent residents aged 18 to 79 years old) was randomly selected to participate in the survey.

Between 2014 and 2015, 2,800 individuals participated in the SH2 survey, with a response rate of 35%. 1,800 participants underwent physical examination and provided blood and urine samples for tests and storage.

[Sub-studies within SH2_T1]:

  • Validation of self-reported physical activity: All SH2 participants, except those with severe mobility issues, were invited to take part in this sub-study. 907 participants of this sub-study were further interviewed about their exercise efficacy and attitudes and provided an accelerometer to wear for a week to obtain data to validate self-reported physical activity levels.

Detailed cohort information has been described in Vaingankar J et al. Psychometric properties and population norms of the Positive Mental Health instrument in a representative multi-ethnic Asian population. BMC Med Res Methodol. (2018) 18:29

Study IRB Approval Ref No Principal Investigator Documents
SH2_T1 NUS 13-512 Prof Rob van Dam Participant information sheet and consent form

SH2_T2 (2018 to 2021)

The participants who were previously surveyed are invited for this follow-up study. The follow-up phase began in 2018 and ended in 2020. A total of 1,600 participants were followed-up in SH2_T2.

Study IRB Approval Ref No Principal Investigator Documents
SH2_T2 NUS LB-16-125 Dr Xueling Sim Participant information sheet
Consent form

Summary of data collected across all timepoints of SH2

The data dictionaries, data collection forms (DCF), and categories of variables collected across all timepoints of SH2 are provided below.

Source Section SH2_T1
Data Dictionary
Main DCF
Data Dictionary
Main DCF
Online survey and telephone interview
Questionnaire Socio-demographic characteristics x x
Questionnaire Smoking x x
Questionnaire Alcohol consumption x x
Questionnaire Dietary assessment o
Questionnaire Physical activity x x
Questionnaire Personal medical history x x
Questionnaire Family medical history x x
Questionnaire Medical information x x
Questionnaire Mental health x x
Questionnaire Cognition x x
Questionnaire Wellbeing x x
Questionnaire Social and family x x
Questionnaire Sleep x x
Questionnaire Healthcare expenditure x
Questionnaire Health behaviour x
Physical examination Anthropometry x x
Physical examination Eye health x
Physical examination Cardiovascular health x x
Physical examination Peripheral neuropathy x
Physical examination Physical fitness x
Physical examination Hearing x
Physical examination Urine biomarkers x x
Physical examination Blood biomarkers (core) x x
Physical examination Blood biomarkers (others) x x

o Dietary assessment was performed a Diet Screener.


Updated on 26 March 2024