Multi Ethnic Cohort Phase 3 (MEC3)

The Singapore Multi-Ethnic Cohort Phase 3 (MEC3) builds on the Singapore MEC as a third phase with the aim of adding 30,000 new participants aged 21 to 99 and to increase the proportion of the Malay and Indian participants.

The recruitment of participants into MEC3 started in 2019 but was paused in February 2020 due to COVID. MEC3 re-commenced its recruitment in 2022, with modified protocol and additional data collection to align with the SG100K protocol.

MEC3pilot_T1: This collection was run in conjunction with MEC1_T3 and MEC2_T2. Using similar protocols, we recruited ~2000 participants.

MEC3_T1: Recruitment for MEC3 was resumed in January 2022 and is currently ongoing. Additional measurements were included to align with the SG100K protocol.

 Study  IRB Approval Ref No  Principal Investigator  Documents
MEC3pilot_T1 NUS LH-19-004  Dr Xueling Sim Participant information sheet
Consent form
MEC3_T1 NUS LH-19-004  Dr Xueling Sim Participant information sheet
Interview Consent form
Screening Consent form

As the data collection for MEC3pilot_T1 and MEC3_T1 are three years apart and differ substantially in the variable collection, they are considered as two sub-studies of MEC3 even though they share the same IRB approval number.

Data and samples from MEC3pilot_T1 and MEC3_T1 are currently not available for request.


Updated on 12 June 2023