Keynotes, Plenary, Conference Presentations

  1. Invited Keynote Speaker, International Workshop for Smart Manufacturing &International Young Talent Recruitment Fair, Topic: Challenges and Tools for Human-Machine Symbiosis, Shanghai, China, 7 December 2024
  2. Invited Keynote Speaker, 5th International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering, Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Interaction, Shenzhen, China, 25 October 2024
  3. Visiting Professorship Keynote, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Interaction, 27 September 2024, Nanjing, China
  4. Invited Keynote Speaker, Invited Keynote Speaker at 3rd International Conference on Consumer Technology and Engineering Innovation (ICONTENTION 2024), Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Interaction, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 27 August 2024
  5. Invited Seminar Speaker, Intelligent Manufacturing Institute, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, China, Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Interaction, 10 July 2024, Guangzhou, China
  6. Invited Seminar Speaker, School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, China, Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Interaction, 9 July 2024, Guangzhou, China
  7. Invited Research Seminar Speaker, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Presentation Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Symbiosis, 26 June 2024, Nanjing, China
  8. Invited Research Seminar Speaker, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Presentation Topic: Product Sustainability and Sustainable Product Designs, 9 May 2024, Shanghai, China
  9. Invited Research Seminar Speaker, Shanghai Jiatong University, Presentation Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Symbiosis, 11 January 2024, Shanghai, China
  10. Invited Keynote Speaker, Shanghai Hujiang Young Researchers Workshop 沪江青年学者论坛 , University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 上海理工大学, Presentation Topic: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Symbiosis, 2nd November 2023, Shanghai, China
  11. Invited Keynote Speaker, The 3nd Digital Twin International Conference (DigiTwin 2023), Topic of Presentation: Enabling Tools for Human Machine Interaction, 11-13 October 2023, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  12. Invited Panelist, Women-in-Engineering luncheon in IECON 2023, Title of Presentation: Professional Development for Women Leaders, Oct 17th, 2023, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
  13. Invited Panelist, IEEE WAMIII AgeTek Innovation Webinar: Digital Friendly Communities for the Aging – The pursuit to harmonize hardware, data acquisition, and analysis, Title of presentation: Technology, Quality of Life & Healthcare: Assistive Technology, Medical, Healthcare and Rehabilitation Engineering, 21st June 2023
  14. Invited Plenary Keynote Speaker, 19th IEEE Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts, Berlin, Germany, Topic: Enabling Tools in Human-Machine Symbiosis, 5-7 June 2023, Berlin, Germany
  15. Invited Speaker, NUSRI@Suzhou Research Seminar Series, Topic: Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing, 6 March 2023
  16. Invited Speaker, Research Seminar Series, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Topic: Enabling Tools in Human-Machine Symbiosis, 11 January 2023
  17. Invited Speaker, Applied Sciences Webinar on Advances in Human Machine Interfaces, 23 November 2022
  18. Invited Plenary Speaker, The IFAC Symposium on Robotics and Control, Japan, Topic: Augmented Reality Application in Robotics, 17-20 October 2022
  19. Jury Member, Aegis Graham Bell Awards Jury Judging, Aegis Graham Bell Awards (AGBA) . The award is supported by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India., 28 September 2022
  20. Invited Speaker; Topic: Digital Twin and Human Symbiosis, The 2nd Digital Twin International Conference (DigiTwin 2022), Sydney, Australia, 26 September 2022
  21. Invited Plenary Speaker, 2nd Global summit and Expo on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2022 (GSEIME2022), 19-21 September 2022, Barcelona, Spain, Topic: Augmented Reality in Manufacturing, 19-21 September 2022
  22. Invited Keynote Speaker, Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies 2022, ICICICT2022, Kannur, Kerala, India,  Topic: Augmented Reality in Manufacturing, 11-12 August 2022
  23. Invited Speaker, ST Engineering Seminar on Digital Twin and Augmented Reality in Manufacturing, Topic: Digital Twin and Augmented Reality in Manufacturing, 20 January 2022
  24. Plenary Speaker, 2021 World Engineers Summit “Engineering Towards a Post-Pandemic Sustainable World”, Institute of Engineers Singapore, Singapore, Topic: Digital Twin and Augmented Reality in Manufacturing, 10-12 November 2021
  25. Keynote Speaker, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Surface Enhancement (INCASE 2021), Keynote: Augmented Reality in the Manufacturing, Singapore, 7-8 September 2021
  26. Invited Speaker and Panelist, Institute of Engineers Singapore (IES), Technical Seminar on “Energy Efficiency, Productivity and Digital Transformation in the Manufacturing Sector” (webinar), 4 February 2021
  27. Invited Speaker, International Collaboration Activity Week on Digital and Intelligent Manufacturing, NUAA, Nanjing, China, Title: Augmented Reality in the Manufacturing, 28/10/2019 – 2/11/2019
  28. Invited Conference Speaker, The 4th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation (ICRCA 2019), 26-28 July 2019, Guangzhou, China, Title: Improving Maintenance Efficiency with an Adaptive AR-assisted Maintenance System
  29. Invited Speaker, Aditya Birla Group Study Tour 2019, Singapore, organized by People Matters and NUS Enterprise, Theme: Augmented Reality in Workplace, 10 May 2019
  30. Invited International Judge, Hilti IT Competition 2019 event themed The Future of Construction in a Digital World, KL, Malaysia, 8-10 April 2019
  31. Invited Speaker, TechHR Conference 2019, Singapore, Invited Talk, Theme: Augmented Reality in Manufacturing and Engineering, 9 January 2019
  32. Keynote Speaker, The 5th International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing, Invited Keynote
    Topic: State-of-the-Art of Augmented Reality Ubiquitous Manufacturing Research, 23-25 November 2018
  33. Invited Speaker, 36th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO36) Women Summit, Invited Presentation, Topic: Female in Engineering – Education & Career Developments, 13 November 2018
  34. Invited Speaker, Singapore International Robo Expo (SIRE) 2018, Symposium 6: Be Extraordinary – The Power of Women in Robotics, Invited Presentation, Theme: Power in numbers – Female in Engineering & STEM, 1-2 November 2018
  35. Keynote Speaker, International Judge, Grand Challenge Scholar Program, Theme: VR and AR for Healthcare, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1-3 June 2018 (fully sponsored by UNSW), 1-3 June 2018
  36. Jury Member, Jury member for 4th Winsemius Awards, Singapore Dutch Chamber of Commerce, 17 May 2018
  37. Panel Speaker, TechSummit 2018, Theme: Exploring the Real Life Applications of Augmented Reality, 3 May 2018, Singapore,, 3 May 2018
  38. Invited Panel Speaker, International Women’s Day Panel Discussion on “Gender Parity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics); the Cause, Consequence and Affecting Change”. Organized by Michael Page (Page Group) is a UK listed recruitment firm., * March 2018
  39. Invited Speaker, Topic: State-of-the-art of ubiquitous manufacturing research, 17th International Manufacturing Conference in China, 23-26 November 2017, Invited Presentation, Shenzhen, China
  40. Invited Speaker for Women in Science, Engineering and Research (WiSER) Summit, IES, Title: Professional Development for Women Leaders in Industry, 20 July 2017
  41. Keynote Speaker, NTUC Inaugural U Women’s Network Progressive Forum on Women in Science and Engineering, 25 April, 2017
  42. Invited Speaker for Women in Science, Engineering and Research (WiSER) Summit, IES, Title: Women Leadership in Industry & Gender Diversity, 23 October 2015
  43. Invited Guest Speaker for Harvard College in Asia Program, 14-22 March 2015, Singapore Management University, Title of talk: Gender Diversity in Technology, 19 March 2015
  44. Invited Speaker for Infineon Singapore – International Women’s Day Celebration on Women in Technical Career, 6 March 2015
  45. Guest of Honour and Panelist for NUS Centre for Future Ready Graduates Panel Discussion – In Conversation with Female Engineers, 16 October 2014
  46. Speaker for Workshop on Innovative Leadership: Taking Charge of Solutions, as part of 6th PL-National Youth Council Student Leadership Conference 2014, 13 August 2014, Title: Engineering and Leadership
  47. Invited Speaker for Session “Women in Engineering”, National Engineers Day organized by Institute of Engineers Singapore, Title: Why are you not an Engineer?, 19 July 2014
  48. Invited Speaker for Workshop on AR in Maintenance Activities, Cranfield University, UK, Title of talk: A novel AR-assisted maintenance system for equipment serviceability improvement, 23 June 2014
  49. Invited Panel Speaker for International Federation of University Women (IFUW) Policy Seminar Asia, 30 June 2014, Title of talk: Increasing Access to Education for Girls & Women in Asia: Solutions for Success, 30 June 2014
  50. Invited Panel Speaker for UN Women SG Committee Seminar – Pioneers of Today, The Female Leaders in STEM, A Panel Discussion on Navigating Opportunities and Challenges, Title of talk: Female Leaders in STEM: Challenges and Opportunities, Relevance to Businesses, 27 May 2014
  51. Invited Panel Speaker for Singapore MasterCard Townhall Session on “Women in Technology”, Title of talk: Women in Technology, 28 April 2014
  52. Invited Panel Speaker for UN Women Singapore Committee – Public Launch of Women in STEM Programme, Title of talk: Women in STEM, 17 April 2014
  53. Invited Panel Speaker for UN Women Singapore Committee – Private Launch of Women in STEM Programme, Title of talk: Women in STEM, 18 March 2014
  54. Speaker, NUS CDTL TEG Seminar, Title: Achieving interactive and participative teaching and learning with Augmented Reality (AR) technology, 19 November 2013
  55. Invited Workshop Speaker, Singapore Youth Award – SYA-McDonald’s Be Inspired Conference 2013, Title: Why are you not a scientist? , 9 November 2013
  56. Plenary Keynote Speaker, 2nd International Conference on Research and Use of VR/AR Technologies, Chemnitz, Germany, 31 Jan – 1 Feb, 2013, Title: Use of augmented reality in design and manufacturing
  57. Invited Speaker, JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar, Theme: Manufacturing, Design and Innovation, Mumbai, India, 2-8 December 2012, Title: Innovative Design and Manufacturing with Augmented Reality
  58. Invited Speaker, 2011 Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing: Augmented Reality and E-Learning Applications, Changhua, Taiwan, 29 May 2011, Title of Talk: Augmented Reality in Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering
  59. Invited Speaker, Asia-Pacific Conference on Ageing (APCA), Singapore, 24-26 March 2011, Title of Talk: Augmented Reality in Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering
  60. Invited Keynote Speaker, Inaugural Living Business Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility organized by HSBC Bank, Title of Seminar: CSR for SMEs – Building Sustainable Businesses, Title of Talk: Trends and Practices in Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing
  61. Session Keynote: A Systematic Approach for Evaluating the Manufacturability of Machined Parts and Their Set-ups Plans, CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 1-3 July 1998, Capri, Naples, Italy.



Updated January 2025, Prof S K Ong