ReadNUS Issue 47

MAR 2022 | ISSUE 47 Here’s Your Reading Summary As the war in Ukraine continues, important questions concerning race and refugees are brought to light. Are some refugees regarded differently…

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ReadNUS Issue 46

MAR 2022 | ISSUE 46 Here’s Your Reading Summary In February 2014, Russia first invaded Crimea and parts of the Donbas. More recently, on 24th of February 2022 and following…

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ReadNUS Issue 45

MAR 2022 | ISSUE 45 Here’s Your Reading Summary Your gut health is incredibly important in helping control digestion and plays an important role in your mental and emotional wellbeing.…

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ReadNUS Issue 44

FEB 2022 | ISSUE 44 Here’s Your Reading Summary Love has preoccupied humans since the dawn of time, giving rise to an ever expanding collection of works dedicated to Love…

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ReadNUS Issue 43

JAN 2022 | ISSUE 43 Here’s Your Reading Summary South America is an incredibly diverse region,with a vibrant culture stemming back with diverse cultural traditions, which can be traced back…

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ReadNUS Issue 42

JAN 2022 | ISSUE 42 Here’s Your Reading Summary Africa is an important region and includes some of the fastest economies in the world. It is a region with immense…

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ReadNUS Issue 41

DEC 2021 | ISSUE 41 Here’s Your Reading Summary In keeping with our previous newsletter edition, this week’s newsletter delves further into the mystical aspects of space. How does one…

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ReadNUS Issue 40

DEC 2021 | ISSUE 40 Here’s Your Reading Summary Many have been fascinated by outer space, and the romance of space travel has captured the imagination of many a science…

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ReadNUS Issue 39

NOV 2021 | ISSUE 39 Here’s Your Reading Summary Asia is a riot of sights, scents and colours, and there is no period where this is more apparent than during…

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ReadNUS Issue 38

NOV 2021 | ISSUE 38 Here’s Your Reading Summary Kicking off this month’s theme on culture, we have four fresh reads on the topic of cultural appreciation vs cultural appropriation.…

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