- Upcoming TechInnovation Singapore 2019 (11-13 November, click here to visit the website). I will be participating and networking as TechExpert
- Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC) (18 November, 2019) by NUS Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning (CDTL). I will be giving a talk on “Digitization of teaching materials to complement online learning” using the PechaKucha format!
“Food, Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Processing using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technologies” Crowdpitching session TechInnovation 2016 (September 2016)
Invited Speakers
“Potential and challenges of waste valorisation by supercritical fluid processing” 7th Asia-Oceania conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, by A*STAR (IMRE and ICES), Nov 2018
“Supercritical Fluid processing for particle fabrication,” America Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Singapore local section conference, May 2018
“Supercritical Fluid processing for waste valorisation” Bioenergy Society of Singapore Conference (BESS2018) (May 2018)
Speaker (Travel award), Newcastle Learning and Teaching Conference 2018: “Challenges and opportunities from research-informed teaching” https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/ltdev/2018/04/25/conference-blog-dr-cindy-lee-newcastle-university-in-singapore/
Invited Panel and roundtable discussion
Invited Panel speaker, The Future of Learning Forum 2019 (By Britcham SG): “Opportunities and Challenges for the future of higher education, as underpinned by technology, globalization, and the changing workplace” https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6507164268415291392
Invited speaker, 4th Annual Next Generation Learning Spaces conference 2018. Roundtable Discussion on: “Completing Online and Offline Learning Channels” (Moderator)
Conference Committees
Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2016) (Executive organizing committee), (Awards Chair) http://set2016.chbe.nus.edu.sg/index.html (July 2016)
Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2016) (Executive organizing committee) (Awards Chair) http://gcce2016.chbe.nus.edu.sg/index.html (July 2016)
5th Asian Particle Technology (APT2012) (Local organizing committee) (Poster session and Awards Chair) (July 2012)
Attended Queen’s Elizabeth II 90th birthday celebration at the British High Commission, 2016 (By invitation)
Attended Asian Scientist Writing Prize Ceremony and Masterclass in Science Communications by Dr Jorge Cham (author of PhD comics), 2017