Group Member

♦Principal Investigator:

Dr Huangwei Zhang (PhD, Cambridge University, 2015)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS
Email:; Tel: +65 6516 2557

Dr. Huangwei Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Engineering Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics from Beihang University (China) in 2007 and 2009 respectively, Ph.D. degree from Department of Engineering at University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) in 2015. The general scientific problems he works on are mainly multi-phase reacting flows, leveraging combined approaches of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimental diagnostics. They cover multiple dimensions, including high-speed and low-speed flows, dilute and dense particle concentration, as well as multi-phase interface tracking. His team is dedicated to making the research towards a wide range of engineering applications, including but not limited to: (1) advanced propulsion system, (2) clean combustion and decarbonization technology, (3) energy safety and resilience, and (4) sustainable energy solutions. In recent several years, his research is focused on hydrocarbon fuel detonative combustion and ammonia/hydrogen combustion for energy transition, with significant industrial collaborations in Singapore and overseas. He is the Secretary of the Singapore Section of the Combustion Institute  (SSCI).


  • Ph.D., Energy and Combustion, University of Cambridge 2011 – 2015
  • M. Eng., Fluid Mechanics, Beihang University 2007 – 2009
  • B. Eng., Engineering Mechanics, Beihang University 2003 – 2007


  • Assistant Professor 07/2017 – Present, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
  • Principal Investigator 10/2020 – Present, NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute, Chongqing, China
  • Principal Investigator 07/2022 – Present, NUS Center for Hydrogen Innovations (CHI)
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate 06/2015 – 07/2017, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
  • Research Associate 10/2009 – 08/2011, College of Engineering, Peking University


  • Hydrogen combustion in Singapore, PI, 2024 – 2027, CREATE Thematic Programme in Decarbonisation, National Research Foundation (NRF).
  • Development of an integrated system of ammonia partially cracking and gas turbine combustion with cascade waste heat utilization, Lead  PI, 01/04/2024 – 31/03/2027, Low-Carbon Energy Research (LCER) Phase 2 Programme – Directed Hydrogen Programme, National Research Foundation (NRF) and The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
  • Post-Release Impact Mitigation Evaluation (PRIME), Team-PI, 01/04/2024 – 31/03/2027, Low-Carbon Energy Research (LCER) Phase 2 Programme – Directed Hydrogen Programme, National Research Foundation (NRF) and The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
  • Droplet and spray combustion of liquid ammonia as a fuel, 06/09/2024 – 06/08/2027, PI, Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) for AcRF Tier 2 Grant.
  • Development of a test rig for model gas turbine combustor fueled with ammonia and natural gas blends, 01/07/2022 – 30/06/2024, PI, NUS Center for Hydrogen Innovations (CHI) 1st Grant Call.
  • Turbulence-flame interactions in turbulent premixed combustion under extreme conditions, 15/03/2022 – 14/09/2024, PI, Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Grant.
  • Resilience analysis on hydrogen as a low-emission fuel: disruption prevention, prediction and recovery, 31/03/2021 – 30/09/2022, Lead PI, Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF).
  • Towards accurate prediction Of high speed jet noise with large eddy simulation, 01/07/2019 – 31/12/2019, PI, TL@NUS, Singapore Ministry of Defence (MINDEF).
  • Modelling high-rise building fire dynamics under tropical climate conditions, 16/01/2020 – 15/01/2023, PI, Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE).
  • Large eddy simulation of high-speed turbulent Flows,  01/01/2019-31/12/2019, PI, TL@NUS, Singapore Ministry of Defence (MINDEF).
  • Numerical simulations of rotating detonation engines for next-generation aero-propulsion systems,  01/04/2019-31/03/2021, PI, USyd-NUS Partnership Collaboration Awards – 2018 – 1, National University of Singapore.
  • Prediction of soot formation from turbulent flames under gas turbine combustion condition, 01/03/2019-28/02/2022, PI, Ministry of Education (MOE).
  • Large eddy simulation of turbulent combustion and its application in detonative propulsion, 01/01/2018-31/12/2018, PI, Joint Call for Seed Research Proposals by TL@NUS – 2017 – 2, Singapore Ministry of Defence (MINDEF).
  • Modelling extinction dynamics in turbulent flames, 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2021, PI, NUS Start-up Grant – 2017 – 1.


  • Young Editorial Board, Advances in Applied Energy, January 2022 – Present
  • Young Editorial Board, Carbon Neutrality, August 2022 – Present
  • Guest Editor, for special issue of “hydrogen flame and detonation physics”, Physics of Fluids
  • Guest Editor, for special issue of “non-fossil renewable gaseous fuels: synthesis, storage, and utilization”, Applied Energy
  • Guest Editor, for special issue of “Detonation propulsion: fundamentals and applications”, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science
  • Editorial Board, Energy and AI. 2023 – Present
  • Editorial Board, Combustion and Flame. January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2030
  • Member of PROCI (Proceedings of The Combustion Institute) Publication Committee (PPC) for The Combustion Institute. 2024 – 2026
  • Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2024 – Present


  • Local Organizing Committee Member, The 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW32), National University of Singapore, July 14-19, 2019
  • OpenFOAM in Combustion Webinar organizer, March 2022 – May 2023
  • Scientific Committee, The Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 2023, Orléans, France; 2024, Shanghai, China
  • Chair of Local Organizing Committee, The First International OpenFOAM Combustion Workshop, 19-20 June 2023, China
  • Organizer of BUAA-NUS Bilateral Workshop on Simulation and Digitisation, August 14, 2023, Beijing, China
  • Member Of the International Organizing Committee of 15th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization (ICCEU), 2023
  • Member of Initial Review Committee (IRC) for 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 2024
  • International Scientific Committee of The Ninth International Symposium on Physics of Fluids (ISPF9), 12-15 June 2024, Datong, China
  • Chairman of Workshop on New Energy and Artificial Intelligence, 12 June 23, 2024, Datong, China
  • Chair of Local Organizing Committee, Co-chair of Programme Committee, The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), May 18th-22nd 2025, Singapore

♦Post-doc Research Fellow:

Name Time PhD Institution Research Topic

Dr. Li Shangpeng

October 2021 – Present Tsinghua University Droplet and spray combustion

Dr. Yang Zhengzheng

December 2022 – Present Sichuan University Catalytic combustion

Dr. Jiang Zhiwu

April 2023 – Present University of Science and Technology of China Droplet and sprays

Dr. Sun Jie

July 2024 – Present Peking University Hydrogen combustion and safety (Modelling)

Dr. Ma Peng

July 2024 – Present Tsinghua University Ammonia combustion (Experiment)

Dr. Wang Yicun

August 2024 – Present Zhejiang University Hydrogen combustion and safety (Modelling)

Dr. Li Jinzhou

August 2024 – Present University of Leeds Ammonia combustion (Experiment)

Dr. Samir Boset Rojas Chavez

August 2024 – Present King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Ammonia combustion (Experiment)


♦PhD Student:

Name Time Previous Institution Research Topic

Cao Chenyang

July 2020 – Present Tongji University Flame synthesis of nanoparticles

Zhang Pikai

July 2020 – Present Beihang University Two-phase flows with phase change

Wang Yuanying

July 2021 – Present Xi’an Jiaotong University  Detonation modelling

Liu Ce

July 2021 – Present Beijing Jiaotong University Computational modeling of selective laser melting in AM process

Xu Xiaoyu

July 2021 – Present National University of Singapore

Hafiz Ahmad

September 2021 – Present Shanghai Jiao Tong University Sooting flames

Zhang Juntang

January 2022 – Present Beijing Institute of Technology Gas-solid two-phase combustion

Li Mengjie

January 2022 – Present University of Science and Technology of China Li-ion battery jet fires and battery safety

Ding Yan

August 2022 – Present Zhejiang University Li-ion battery modelling

Xie Shumeng

Jan 2023 – Present

(President’s Graduate Fellowship)

Peking University Ammonia combustion

Zhang Zehua

August 2023 – Present Beihang University (Bachelor), SUSTech (Master) AI for combustion science

Hu Hao

August 2023 – Present Sun Yat-sen University Ammonia combustion

♦Master Student:

Name Time Information Research Topic

He Lai

August 2023 – Present ME5001 Project Li-ion Battery modelling

Wang Yutong

August 2023 – Present ME5001 Project Li-ion Battery modelling

Gao Haiting

August 2023 – Present ME5001 Project Li-ion Battery modelling

Jiang Qianjie

January 2024 – Present ME5001 Project Li-ion Battery modelling

♦Visiting Student:

Name Time Information Research Topic

Guo Xiaoyang

October 2023-Present Ph.D. student
Ammonia/Methane Combustion: Ignition and Blow-off

Li Xin

October 2023-Present Ph.D. student
Supersonic combustion

Ding Hongming

January 2024-Present Ph.D. student
Gas-particle two-phase flows

Li Menglei

Feburary 2024-Present Ph.D. student
Combustion CFD

Li Shuhong

September 2024-Present PhD student Hydrogen / methane combustion

Liu Zundi

September 2024-Present PhD student Ammonia combustion

♦Undergraduate FYP Researcher:

Name Time Information Research Topic
Tan Shi Da August 2022 – Present NUS Year 4 Jet Fire Damage Analysis on Hydrogen Pipeline
Phoe Chuan Nan Adriell August 2022 – Present NUS Year 4 Modelling of cell- and pack-level Li-ion battery fires in electric car applications
Sean Low Kia Hng August 2022 – Present NUS Year 4 Simulations of thermal characteristics of Li-ion battery under abuse conditions
Tham Rui Sheng August 2022 – Present NUS Year 4 Suppression on self- ignition of high-pressure hydrogen gas


♦Alumnus (Undergraduate student):

Name Time Information Research Topic
Sai Surya Yarlagadda January 2020 – Present National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Year 4. Co-supervised with Energy Studies Institute, NUS
Techno-economic cost benefit analysis of electric vehicles for land transport
Li Hui August 2020 – Present National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Year 4. Numerical simulation of high-speed reacting flows
Dong Mengqiu August 2020 – Present National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Year 4. Simulation of metal particle melting due to laser heating
Chen Hong Wei August 2020 – Present National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Year 4. Spray flame modelling
Zhao Jinqing August 2019 – May 2020 NUS, ME4, FYP Numerical simulations of detonation propagation in hydrogen/air mixture with adaptive mesh refinement
Guo Sidi May 2020 NUS, ME4, FYP Eulerian Modelling of moderately dense turbulent spray flames
Du Yanran August 2019 – May 2020 NUS, ME4, FYP Parametric study of natural ventilation across a typical classroom in Singapore
Yeo Hwee Kiat August 2019 – May 2020 NUS, ME4, FYP Numerical simulations of detonation propagation in inhomogeneous hydrogen/air mixture
Ee Ting Gen Marcus January 2019 – November 2019 NUS, ME4, FYP Prediction of pollutant formation of laminar premixed ammonia flames under gas turbine conditions
Lim Xiong Zhi October 2017 – May 2018 NUS, ME4, FYP Prediction of Combustion and Pollutant Emission from a Pulverized Coal Jet Flame
Chen Sihe September 2017 – January 2018 NUS, ME2, UROP student Eulerian Modelling of Particle-laden Bluff Body Flows
Yeo Jia Ming, Benjamin July 2018 – April 2019 NUS, ME4, FYP Prediction of fire dynamics in compartments with various ventilation conditions
Kimberly Han Jun Yi July 2018 – April 2019 NUS, ME4, FYP Numerical simulation of tunnel fires under longitudinal ventilation conditions
Yeo Zhanyi July 2018 – April 2019 NUS, ME4, FYP Effects of low-temperature chemistry in detonation
Sim Jun Yong Roy July 2018 – April 2019 NUS, ME4, FYP Effects of water droplet mists on fire propagation and quenching
Voo Zhi Wei July 2018 – April 2019 NUS, ME4, FYP Numerical simulation of flame ignition of supersonic non-premixed jet flows


♦Alumnus (Academic visitor):

Name Time Information Research Topic
Shi Wenshuo March 2024 – October 2024 Master student, Northwestern Polytechnical University Ammonia DDT
Wen Yuzhe April 2024 – July 2024 PhD student, Tsinghua University Laminar flame instability
You Binchuan October 2022 – September 2023 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Plasma assisted combustion
Liu Enhui January 2022 – January 2023 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Natural Gas Gas Turbine Combustion
Lu Jinghe January 2022 – January 2023 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Kerosene spray gas turbine combustion
Jia Xiongbin January 2022 – January 2023 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Detonation simulations
Li Shengnan August 2022 – August 2023 PhD student, Liaoning Technological University Coal/methane hydroben detonation
Lin Wenjun Sept 2022 – Sept 2023 PhD student, Xi’an Jiaotong University Gas turbine combustion
Wang Shang April 2022 – April 2023 PhD student, Nanjing University of Sci & Technol. LES of supersonic combustion
Su Jingyi October 2021 – July 2022 PhD student, Peking University Liquid n-heptane detonation
Guo Hongbo January 2021 – June 2022 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Oblique detonation
Shi Jingtai January 2021 – January 2022 PhD student, China University of Mining and Technology Methane detonation, methane/coal dust hybrid detonation
Jin Shan January 2021 – January 2022 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Rotating detonations with liquid fuels
Huang Yakun January 2020 – October 2020 PhD student, Nanjing U Aero & Astro Spray flame ignition
Liu Hongsheng October 2019 – October 2020 Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology combustion
Zhao Yongsheng September 2019 – September 2020 Beihang University Shock-BL interactions
Hu Xiaolei August 2019 – March 2020 Lecturer, Anhui University of Technology Two-phase flows
Zhong Wei December 2018 – December 2019 Associate Professor, Zhengzhou University Fire modelling
Cui Zhigang March 2018 – August 2018 Lecturer, Taiyuan University of Technology (TYUT) Combustion in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler; Modelling of pulverized coal combustion
Yang Juntao September 2018 – April 2019 PhD student, Nanyang Technological University Applications of machine learning for modelling turbulent flows
Li Guangze March 2018 – August 2020 PhD student, Beihang University LES of spray flame autoignition
He Zhiqiang August 2019 – August 2020 PhD student, Zhejiang University CFD algorithm development for rarefied flows
Meng Qingyang August 2019 – August 2020 PhD student, Harbin Engineering University Rotating detonation combustion


♦Alumnus (Graduate student):

Name Time Information Research Topic
Zhu Ruixuan August 2018 – August 2019 PhD student, University of Oxford
Numerical Simulation of Detonation in Ammonia/Hydrogen (NH3/H2) Mixtures
Arab Omar Zaki O August 2019 – May 2020 PhD Student, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Numerical Simulation of Gas-Particle Two-Phase Flows
Tay Jia Min August 2021 – May 2022 Thermo analysis of a CubeSat
Xiong Zhekun August 2022 – May 2023 ME5001 project Lithium-ion battery modelling
Shangguan Peijie August 2022 – May 2023 ME5001 project Hydrogen gas turbine flame simulations
Zhang Hanrong July 2021 – January 2024 Master of Science Lithium-ion battery modelling


♦Alumnus (Research fellow):

Name Time Information Research Topic
Zijun Wang October 2021 – June 2024 Assistant Professor, Chongqing Jiaotong University Hydrogen safety
Qingyang Meng December 2021 – June 2024 Research Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Spray detonation
Yongqiang Li January 2022 – January 2024 Associate Professor, Chongqing University of Science and Technology Building aerodynamics
Qiang Li Feburary 2023 – July 2023 Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology Spray flames
Yong Xu November 2022 – January 2024 Research Fellow, The Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES) Hydrogen detonation
Huang Zhiwei October 2018 – January 2022 Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Supersonic combustion, turbulent combustion modelling
Zhao Majie March 2018 – April 2021 Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology Detonation
Zhuang Yijie July 2018 – August 2019 Associate Professor, Guangdong University of Technology Theoretical analysis of droplet-laden flames
Yu Zhou August 2019 – October 2021 Researcher, Guangdong Foshan Xianhu Laboratory Two-phase combustion


♦Alumnus (Research assistant):

Name Time Information Research Topic
Bochao Liu January 2022 – January 2024 Hydrogen combustion


♦Alumnus (PhD student):

Name Time Information Research Topic
Liu Yangyang July 2018 – January 2020 Research fellow, National University of Singapore High-order numerical schemes for incompressible and compressible flows
Xu Yong July 2018 – July 2022 Research fellow, Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore Ltd.
Dynamics of hydrogen detonation with dispersed phase
Li Qiang July 2018 – July 2022 Associate Professor, Beijing Institite of Technology (BIT) Ignition and propagation of laminar spray flames

Group Photos:

(August 2018, Mount Faber Park, SG)


(March 2019, Faculty of Engineering, NUS)

(July 2020, Zoom Meeting, during COVID-19 pandemic)

 (Jan 6, 2023, Zoom group meeting)

(July 3, 2023, Zoom group meeting)

(January 7, 2024, Zoom group meeting)

(August 4, 2024, Zoom group meeting)