Personal Particulars
Ph.D student
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 4, Singapore, 117576
Office: E5-01-01
Phone: (65) 9655 0947
B.Sc. 2009-2013, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Graduated Cum Laude.
M.Sc. 2012-2014, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.Name of advisor: Prof. Avi Levy. Title of Thesis: Modeling and Simulation of a Monolayer of Nano-Particles under Capillary Regime in Liquid-Gas Interface. Graduation with honors
Ph.D. 2014, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Department of chemical and biomolecular engineering, National University of Singapore.
Name of advisor: Prof. Avi Levy.Title of Thesis: Numerical Modeling of Particle Attrition and Pipe Erosion in Conveying Systems.
Research Interests
Multiphase flow; Capillary interactions; Nano-scale Coating; Self Assembly; Hydraulic conveying; Pneumatic conveying; CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and DEM (discrete element method); One dimensional two phase simulations, Particle breakage, Erosion, simulation of biomass gasification in a downdraft fixed-bed reactor, System level gasification modeling, Electric Capacitance Tomography for gasification appilactions.
1.Uzi, A., Ostrovski, Y., & Levy, A. (2015). Modeling and Simulation of Particles in Gas-Liquid Interface, Advanced Powder Technology, 27(1), 112-123.
2.Uzi, A., Ostrovski, Y., & Levy, A. (2015). Modeling and Simulation of Mono-Layer Coating. Drying Technology, 33(15-16), 1798-1807. DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2015.1026981.
3.Ben-Ami, Y., Uzi, A., & Levy, A. (2016). Modelling the particles impingement angle to produce maximum erosion. Powder Technology, 301, 1032-1043. DOI:
4.Uzi, A., Kalman, H., & Levy, A. (2016). A novel particle attrition model for conveying systems. Powder Technology, 298, 30-41. DOI:
5.Uzi, A. & Levy, A. (2016). Particle degradation and dynamics in conveying systems. Powder Technology. Volume 311, 15 April 2017, Pages 247-256, ISSN 0032-5910,
6.Uzi, A., Ben-Ami, Y., & Levy, A. (2017). Erosion Prediction of Industrial Conveying Pipelines. Powder Technology. 309, 49-60, ISSN 0032-5910,
7.Uzi, A. & Levy, A. (2017). Flow characteristics of coarse particles in horizontal hydraulic conveying, Powder Technology. In Press.
Conference Publications/ Presentations
1.Uzi, A., Ostrovski, Y., Levy, A. “Modelling and Simulation of Self-Assembly Process of Nano-Particles in Liquid-Gas Interface”, International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France, Aug. 2014.
2.Ostrovski, Y., Uzi, A., Levy, A. “The Effects of Internal and External Forces on the Particle Dynamics and Internal Flow in Suspension Droplets”, International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France, Aug. 2014.
3.Uzi, A., Levy, A. “Agglomeration of Suspended Nano-Particles During Coating”, The 8th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, Tel-Aviv, Israel. May 2015.
4.Ben Ami, Y., Uzi, A., Levy, A. ”Modeling and simulation of pipe bend erosion”, The 8th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, Tel-Aviv, Israel. May 2015.
5.Uzi, A., & Levy, A. “One-Dimensional Particle Attrition Model for Conveying Systems”, The 34th Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Israel. Nov. 2016.
6.Uzi, A., Ben Ami, Y., Levy, A. “One-Dimensional Erosion Modeling for Conveying Pipelines”, The 34th Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Israel. Nov. 2016.
7.Uzi, A., Kalman, H., & Levy, A. “A New Hybrid One-Dimensional Particle Attrition Model for Conveying Systems”, AiChE Annual meeting, San francisco, CA, USA. Nov. 2016.
8.Uzi, A., Ben Ami, Y., Levy, A. “One-Dimensional Erosion Modeling for Conveying Pipelines”, Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids: Innovations and Applications (PGBSIA), Jaipur, India. Dec. 2016.
9.Uzi, A., Ben Ami, Y., Levy, A. “One-Dimensional Particle Attrition Model for Conveying Systems”, Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids: Innovations and Applications (PGBSIA). Jaipur, India. Dec. 2016.
10.Uzi, A., Y., Levy, A. “Predicting particle attrition and pipe wear in conveying systems”, Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids (RELPOWFLO). Skien, Norway. May 2017.