Social Robotics Lab

Breathing Life into Machines

Category: Seminars (page 1 of 2)

Nonlinear Fault Diagnosis of Dynamical Systems: An Adaptive Approximation Approach

TOPIC : Nonlinear Fault Diagnosis of Dynamical Systems: An Adaptive Approximation Approach
SPEAKER : Professor Marios Polycarpou,

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Cyprus, Cyprus

DATE : 11 February 2009 (Wednesday)
TIME : 2.30 pm  to  3.30 pm
VENUE : E1A-3-13, Engineering block E1A, NUS
One of the key goals of intelligent control systems is to achieve high performance with increased reliability, greater availability, and automation of maintenance procedures. Continuous demand for greater productivity has led to more challenging operating conditions for many modern industrial systems. Such conditions increase the possibility of system faults, which are characterized by critical and unpredictable changes in system dynamics.


In this presentation, we present a unified methodology for detecting, isolating and accommodating both abrupt and incipient faults in a class of nonlinear dynamic systems. Various adaptive approximation techniques and learning algorithms will be presented and illustrated, and directions for future research will be discussed.

Marios Polycarpou is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks at the University of Cyprus. He has published one book and more than 185 articles in refereed journals, edited books and refereed conference proceedings. He is also the holder of 3 patents. Dr. Polycarpou is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is an elected AdCom Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and an elected BoG member of the IEEE Control Systems Society.

On Robot Tele-Operation Technologies

 TOPIC : On Robot Tele-Operation Technologies
SPEAKER : Dr Fuchun Sun

Department of Computer Science and Technology

Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China

DATE : 9 February 2009 (Monday)
TIME : 10.00 am  to  11.00 am
VENUE : E1-06-05, Engineering block E1, NUS
In this talk, we will discuss the tele-operation techniques for robots. The state of the art robot tele-operation techniques will be briefly reviewed, and some bottleneck techniques will be identified and analyzed. Then, some key technologies,such as the system architecture of tele-operation, control modes, augmented reality, control strategies will be proposed and discussed in detail. Finally,some prospects of future tele-operation technologies are highlighted.
Dr. Fuchun Sun received PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1998. He worked over four years for the Department of Automatic Control at Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy. From 1998 to 2000 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Now he is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research interests include intelligent control, networked control system and management, neural networks, fuzzy systems, nonlinear systems and robotics. He has authored or coauthored two books and over 100 papers which have appeared in various journals and conference proceedings.

Dr. Sun is the recipient of the excellent Doctoral Dissertation Prize of China in 2000 and the Choon-Gang Academic Award by Korea in 2003, and was recognized as a Distinguished Young Scholar in 2006 by the Natural Science Foundation of China. He has been a member of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Control of the IEEE Control System Society since 2006. He serves as an associated editor of IEEE Trans.on Neural Networks and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications.

Introduction to Research Conducted in Information School of Tsinghua University

TOPIC : Introduction to Research Conducted in Information School of Tsinghua University
SPEAKER : Dr Fuchun Sun

Department of Computer Science and Technology,

Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China

DATE : 20 January 2009 (Tuesday)
TIME : 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
VENUE : E1-06-04, Engineering Block E1, NUS
In this talk, a brief introduction to the Information School and National Lab of Information Sci. & Tech. of Tsinghua University will be given. Later, we will introduce some achievements carried out in my research group, which include modelling, control and teleoperation for space vehicles, mobile robot and navigation, neuro-fuzzy adaptive and robust control, and latest research on fuzzy singularly perturbed model (FSPM), its universal approximation, controller synthesis for multiple scale nonlinear systems.
Dr. Fuchun Sun received Ph.D degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1998. He worked over four years for the Department of Automatic Control at Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy. From 1998 to 2000 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Now he is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research interests include intelligent control, networked control system and management, neural networks, fuzzy systems, nonlinear systems and robotics. He has authored or coauthored two books and over 100 papers which have appeared in various journals and conference proceedings.


Dr. Sun is the recipient of the excellent Doctoral Dissertation Prize of China in 2000 and the Choon-Gang Academic Award by Kerea in 2003, and was recognized as a Distinguished Young Scholar in 2006 by the Natural Science Foundation of China. He has been a member of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Control of the IEEE Control System Society since 2006. He serves as an associated editor of IEEE Trans.on Neural Networks and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications.

Dynamics, Planning and Control for Space Robots

TOPIC : Dynamics, Planning and Control for Space Robots
SPEAKER : Dr Fuchun Sun

Department of Computer Science and Technology,

Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China

DATE : 3 February 2009 (Tuesday)
TIME : 2.30 pm  to  3.30 pm
VENUE : Engineering Block 4, E4-04-03
In this talk, a new modeling approach, called fuzzy singularly perturbed model (FSPM), is developed for space robots with flexible arms. Its universal approximation, necessary condition and controllability analysis are also given. Then, novel planning algorithms are proposed for space robots with two flexible arms, and some special cases, such as vibration suppression and joint failure, are considered. Next, advanced control approaches based on FSPM are also developed for space robots. Finally, a simulation system is introduced for the technical verification of space robots, and some experimental results are given.
Dr. Fuchun Sun received PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1998. He worked over four years for the Department of Automatic Control at Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy. From 1998 to 2000 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Now he is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research interests include intelligent control, networked control system and management, neural networks, fuzzy systems, nonlinear systems and robotics. He has authored or coauthored two books and over 100 papers which have appeared in various journals and conference proceedings.

Dr. Sun is the recipient of the excellent Doctoral Dissertation Prize of China in 2000 and the Choon-Gang Academic Award by Korea in 2003, and was recognized as a Distinguished Young Scholar in 2006 by the Natural Science Foundation of China. He has been a member of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Control of the IEEE Control System Society since 2006. He serves as an associated editor of IEEE Trans.on Neural Networks and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications.

Research on medical robotics and bionic robot fish in Beihang ITR

TOPIC Research on medical robotics and bionic robot fish in Beihang ITR
SPEAKER Professor Tianmiao Wang
Intelligent Technology and Robotics (ITR) lab, Institute of Robotics BeiHang University, China
DATE 18 February, 2010 (Thursday)
TIME 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
VENUE Social Robotics Lab, IDMI
FEES No Charge
This talk is to present the Research on medical robotics and bionic robot fish at Intelligent Technology and Robotics) Laboratory in Robotics Institute.
Prof. Tianmiao Wang graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 1982 and received the Master’s degree and Ph.D degree both from Northwestern Polytechnical University, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. From 1990 to 1995, he worked as Postdoctoral Fellow respectively in State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, China, and in the State Bionic Force Laboratory, Italy. Then He joined Robotics Institute, BeiHang University in 1996.

At present, he is professor, PhD mentor, and Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, BeiHang Univerity, China and Director of iTR(Intelligent Technology and Robotics) Laboratory in Robotics Institute, BeiHang University, China. He is mainly engaged in the research fields of surgical robot, micro robotics, and electromechanical control technology. He has undertaken and finished many national research projects in recent years. He has published nearly 90 papers in china and international journals and 3 books, and earned more than 10 Chinese National Invention Patents.

Prof. Wang is a “Cheung Kong Scholar” appointed by Chinese Ministry of Education, and a member of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council of China. He is the head of Expert Group on the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Area of the Chinese National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Hi-Tech Program). He is Vice Chairman of Chinese Robotics Society. He is also associate editors of Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Robotics, and Control Engineering.

He has received many awards such as the First Class Award from Ministry of Mechanical Industry, China, and the First Class Award from Ministry of Electrical Industry, China, and the Second Class Award from Ministry of Aeronautics, and the Second Award from Beijing Government, China, and the Chinese National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar. He has also been awarded the “Rong Hong” education of science and technology award by the American United Technologies. His research group is awarded as the Innovative Team of National Defense Technology



Jointly Organized by Social Robotics Lab, IDMI, and Singapore IEEE SMC/R&A Chapter

The future R&D of Chinese service robots

TOPIC The future R&D of Chinese service robots
SPEAKER Professor Tianmiao Wang

Intelligent Technology and Robotics (ITR) lab, Institute of Robotics BeiHang University, China

DATE 23 February, 2010 (Tuesday)
TIME 10:00 am to 12:00 am
VENUE Social Robotics Lab, IDMI
FEES No Charge
Service robots will play great roles in all aspects of human’s life, especially when the countries are facing the elderly society. The applications include cleaning, edutainment, surgery assistance, medical care, family chaperone, etc. Bill Gates predicted that there will be “a robot in every home”. Korea has decided to look upon service robots as a pillar industry. In China, service robots are of great importance too. The intelligent service robot is listed in the four advanced manufacturing technologies to preferentially develop in China.

The speaker will introduce his thoughts on the future development of Chinese service robots. The issues include:
1)       The basic situation of current research on Chinese services robots
2)       How to face the elderly society in the future
3)       How to develop the Chinese technology mode of the future service robots.

Prof. Tianmiao Wang graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 1982 and received the Master’s degree and Ph.D degree both from Northwestern Polytechnical University, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. From 1990 to 1995, he worked as Postdoctoral Fellow respectively in State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, China, and in the State Bionic Force Laboratory, Italy. Then He joined Robotics Institute, BeiHang University in 1996.

At present, he is professor, PhD mentor, and Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, BeiHang Univerity, China and Director of iTR(Intelligent Technology and Robotics) Laboratory in Robotics Institue, BeiHang University, China. He is mainly engaged in the research fields of surgical robot, micro robotics, and electromechanical control technology. He has undertaken and finished many national research projects in recent years. He has published nearly 90 papers in china and international journals and 3 books, and earned more than 10 Chinese National Invention Patents.

Prof. Wang is a “Cheung Kong Scholar” appointed by Chinese Ministry of Education, and a member of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council of China. He is the head of Expert Group on the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Area of the Chinese National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Hi-Tech Program). He is Vice Chairman of Chinese Robotics Society. He is also associate editors of Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Robotics, and Control Engineering.

He has received many awards such as the First Class Award from Ministry of Mechanical Industry, China, and the First Class Award from Ministry of Electrical Industry, China, and the Second Class Award from Ministry of Aeronautics, and the Second Award from Beijing Government, China, and the Chinese National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar. He has also been awarded the “Rong Hong” education of science and technology award by the American United Technologies. His research group is awarded as the Innovative Team of National Defense Technology.


Jointly Organized by Social Robotics Lab, IDMI, and Singapore IEEE SMC/R&A Chapter

Technology and Entrepreneurship

TOPIC Technology and Entrepreneurship
SPEAKER Professor Tianmiao Wang
Intelligent Technology and Robotics (ITR) lab, Institute of Robotics BeiHang University, China
DATE 27 February, 2010 (Saturday)
TIME 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
VENUE Social Robotics Lab, IDMI
FEES No Charge
Prof. Tianmiao Wang graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 1982 and received the Master’s degree and Ph.D degree both from Northwestern Polytechnical University, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. From 1990 to 1995, he worked as Postdoctoral Fellow respectively in State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, China, and in the State Bionic Force Laboratory, Italy. Then He joined Robotics Institute, BeiHang University in 1996.
At present, he is professor, PhD mentor, and Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, BeiHang Univerity, China and Director of iTR(Intelligent Technology and Robotics) Laboratory in Robotics Institute, BeiHang University, China. He is mainly engaged in the research fields of surgical robot, micro robotics, and electromechanical control technology. He has undertaken and finished many national research projects in recent years. He has published nearly 90 papers in china and international journals and 3 books, and earned more than 10 Chinese National Invention Patents.
Prof. Wang is a “Cheung Kong Scholar” appointed by Chinese Ministry of Education, and a member of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council of China. He is the head of Expert Group on the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Area of the Chinese National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Hi-Tech Program). He is Vice Chairman of Chinese Robotics Society. He is also associate editors of Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Robotics, and Control Engineering.
He has received many awards such as the First Class Award from Ministry of Mechanical Industry, China, and the First Class Award from Ministry of Electrical Industry, China, and the Second Class Award from Ministry of Aeronautics, and the Second Award from Beijing Government, China, and the Chinese National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar. He has also been awarded the “Rong Hong” education of science and technology award by the American United Technologies. His research group is awarded as the Innovative Team of National Defense Technology
Jointly Organized by Social Robotics Lab, IDMI, and Singapore IEEE SMC/R&A Chapter

Road Intersection Safety using Communications Technologies

TOPIC Road Intersection Safety using Communications Technologies
SPEAKER Dr. Javier Ibañez-Guzmán
Renault S.A.
DATE 14 May 2010 (Friday)
TIME 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
VENUE Level 2, Social Robotics Lab, I3 Building, Interactive Digital Media Institute, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, NUS.
FEES No Charge
Road intersections represent one of the most complex configurations encountered when traversing road networks with a high percentage of injury related accidents occurring at these locations. The introduction of wireless communications technologies onboard passenger vehicles are enabling the sharing of information amongst the entities sharing the same road network and thus allow for an extended situational awareness area of the perceived environment surrounding the subject vehicles. The presentation addresses the implementation of safety applications for cooperative vehicles applied to situations involving road intersections. The system relies on three fundamental technologies, namely, communications, localization and the modelling of the environment surrounding the subject vehicle. The applications involve different situations of road intersection safety that can be addressed using vehicle to vehicle communications. The implementation represents the integration of the technologies developed as part of a milestone project in cooperative vehicles in Europe.
Javier Ibañez-Guzmán obtained his PhD at the University of Reading and his MSEE at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) as a Fulbright scholar. He is currently working for Renault S.A where he is responsible for localisation and driver safety applications using communications technologies. He is Expert to the European Commission for the evaluation of funded projects on robotics related applications and the factory of the future programme. He was evaluator of the robotics work groups at INRIA (France). Dr Ibañez-Guzmán has worked as senior scientist at SimTECH, a national research institute in Singapore, where he spearheaded work on autonomous ground vehicles for unstructured environments. He was responsible for several projects sponsored by the ministry of defence, on autonomous vehicle technologies. Concurrently, he was adjunct associate professor at Nanyang Technological University. His research interests are in localisation and perception for vehicle navigation in particular contextual based applications and cooperative vehicles. He has worked in manufacturing robotics in France and was Maître de Conferences at the engineering school ESA IGELEC (part of the Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes). Dr. Ibanez-Guzman is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering Technology (formerly the IEE) British and a Chartered Electrical Engineer (C. Eng.) of the Engineering Council of the U.K. He is member of various technical societies within the IEEE and associate editor for the ICRA and IROS IEEE conferences.
Jointly Organized By Edutainment Robotics Lab, ECE, Social Robotics Lab, IDMI, and IEEE Singapore SMC Chapter.
The map to the SRL can be found on the link at Within NUS, one can take the internal shuttle bus A1, A2 or BTC and stop at the Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library. The building where the seminar is located is on the hill just next to the Hon Sui Sen Library.

Modeling Emotional Virtual Humans and Robots

TOPIC Modeling Emotional Virtual Humans and Robots
SPEAKER Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann

Director, MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Director, Institute for Media Innovation (IMI), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

DATE 16 July 2010
TIME 2:00 to 3:00 pm
VENUE Level 2, Social Robotics Lab, I3 Building, Interactive Digital Media Institute, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, NUS.
FEES No Charge
Research on long-term interaction so far spent little effort on behaviours such as remembering individuals, their names and more importantly remembering important past exchanges. Our ongoing research for realizing long-term affective interactions with a human-like robot named Eva provided by Hanson robotics  involves not only modeling of emotions, social relationships and expressive behaviour but also episodic memory. Eva teaches introductory “computer networks” concepts to users and interacts using natural language and facial expressions. She can also show realistic facial expression as she has a kind of natural deformable skin. A key challenge for long-term interaction is the recall of past important events during current conversation. Therefore, Eva needs to remember past emotional interactions and her terms of her pedagogical goals.

In this presentation, we will show the building of emotional robot Eva that can sing and interact with students.

Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann is currently Director of the research lab MIRALab at the University of Geneva ( and Director of the Institute for Media Innovation (IMI) at NanyangTechnologicalUniversity in Singapore ( After having obtained several diplomas in various disciplines (Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and a PhD in Quantum Physics, all from University of Geneva), she moved to Canada in 1977 where she became Professor at the University of Montreal.

Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann has contributed, along with her students, to the publication of more than 550 scientific papers, written more than 40 books and produced more than 25 virtual reality interactive shows. Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann is Editor-in-chief of several scientific journals, among them, the Visual Computer published by Springer and the Computer Animation Virtual Worlds Journal published by Wiley. She is also associate Editor of several others, as for example, the IEEE Transactions Journal on Multimedia.

In January 2009, she received a Dr. Honoris Causa in Natural Sciences from the Leibniz University of Hannover. In April 2009, she received together with her students  the Eurographics 2009 first Medical Prize for a medical application done within the framework of the EU project 3DAH. In May 2010, at Eurographics’2010 in Norrköping in Sweden, Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann received the Distinguished Career Award. In June 2010, she received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ottawa. She was elected at the SwissAcademy of Engineering Sciences in 1997.

The map to the SRL can be found on the link at Within NUS, one can take the internal shuttle bus A1, A2 or BTC and stop at the Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library. The building where the seminar is located is on the hill just next to the Hon Sui Sen Library.

Sensory Encoding in Biological Systems and Proprioception

TOPIC Sensory Encoding in Biological Systems and Proprioception
SPEAKER Professor Benoni B. Edin

Department of Integrative Medical Biology

Umeå University, Sweden

DATE 20 July 2010, Tuesday
TIME 2:30 – 4:30 pm
VENUE Level 2, Social Robotics Lab, I3 Building, Interactive Digital Media Institute, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, NUS.
FEES No Charge
Sensory Encoding in Biological Systems.

This is an introduction to how physical events are translated into biological signals with numerous example from the human somatosensory system. Specifically, how physical signals are encoded and ‘represented’ in trains of action potentials are described and discussed.


Proprioception is a broad term pertaining primarily to representations of limb positions. Its historical roots and the main biological sensors contributing to this complex ability is described with examples from behavioral and neurophysiological experiments in both humans and animals.

Professor Benoni B. Edin is a Professor at the Department Integrative Medical Biology at Umeå University,
Sweden, where he received his M.D. in 1983 and his Ph.D. in Neurophysiology in 1988. He spent two years of his Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA prior to joining the Umeå University. He was a recipient of the Eric K. Fernströms prize in 1996 and was appointed as vice-dean of Medical Faculty at the Umeå University from 1999 to 2005. His research efforts focus on neuroscience & neurophysiology, biological cybernetics, and brain research. According to ISI Web of Knowledge, Professor Edin has 37 publications that have been cited 1102 times and an h-index of 19.
The map to the SRL can be found on the link at Within NUS, one can take the internal shuttle bus A1, A2 or BTC and stop at the Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library. The building where the seminar is located is on the hill just next to the Hon Sui Sen Library.
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