TOPIC : On Robot Tele-Operation Technologies
SPEAKER : Dr Fuchun Sun

Department of Computer Science and Technology

Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China

DATE : 9 February 2009 (Monday)
TIME : 10.00 am  to  11.00 am
VENUE : E1-06-05, Engineering block E1, NUS
In this talk, we will discuss the tele-operation techniques for robots. The state of the art robot tele-operation techniques will be briefly reviewed, and some bottleneck techniques will be identified and analyzed. Then, some key technologies,such as the system architecture of tele-operation, control modes, augmented reality, control strategies will be proposed and discussed in detail. Finally,some prospects of future tele-operation technologies are highlighted.
Dr. Fuchun Sun received PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1998. He worked over four years for the Department of Automatic Control at Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy. From 1998 to 2000 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Now he is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research interests include intelligent control, networked control system and management, neural networks, fuzzy systems, nonlinear systems and robotics. He has authored or coauthored two books and over 100 papers which have appeared in various journals and conference proceedings.

Dr. Sun is the recipient of the excellent Doctoral Dissertation Prize of China in 2000 and the Choon-Gang Academic Award by Korea in 2003, and was recognized as a Distinguished Young Scholar in 2006 by the Natural Science Foundation of China. He has been a member of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Control of the IEEE Control System Society since 2006. He serves as an associated editor of IEEE Trans.on Neural Networks and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications.