The SG100k Project

The SG100K project is a collaborative initiative that aims to:

  1. Advance understanding of the behavioural, environmental, genetic, and other molecular factors underlying diseases prevalent in the multi-ethnic Asian population of Singapore such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, and
  2. Translate the insights and discoveries made to clinical benefit, including through improved identification and communication of risk, and through development of evidence based, scalable and personalised interventions to promote health and prevent disease.

Deidentified data from SPHS and other collaborating partners (HELIOS from NTU, SEED from SERI, SingHeart from NCCS) will be brought together in a common platform to establish the SG100K cohort. Through the platform, we will strengthen and extend population-based cohort studies in Singapore through (i) integration and sharing of baseline data from existing prospective studies in Singapore (N=70,000 participants); (ii) increasing total sample size to 100K by recruitment of ~30,000 new participants; (iii) widening phenotypic characterization in key cardiovascular and metabolic domains; (iv) enhancing biological sample collection and informed consent processes, and (v) implementing linkage to national healthcare datasets using the TRUST platform (