Email: a0109362-at-nus.edu.sg; Degree: MA

2013-10-13 16.42.07 - 复制She is interested in topics in Anglo-American philosophy, including Philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and metaethics. She has been mainly working on contemporary moral philosophy. Her bachelor’s thesis sought to explain normativity of obligation from Darwall’s second-person standpoint. She has worked on moral dilemmas, distinguishing moral dilemmas we are faced with in our moral life and genuine moral dilemmas, and tries to solve the problem of incompatibility of moral dilemma and deontic logical principles. Currently she is writing on supererogation. She denies anti-supererogationism, arguing against the position that “all morally good action is obligatory”. However, she does not stand totally in either side of qualified supererogationism and unqualified supererogationism, but tries to state that items of obligation and supererogation are not unchangeable.

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