People Ending Animal Cruelty and Exploitation

June 6, 2021
by Otterman

Where is NUS PEACE?

NUS PEACE shifted updates to Facebook in 2019 and then completely to Instagram in 2020. Our activities include The start of semester Welcome Tea! Exhibitions at Student Fairs and Wildlife Education days Awareness tours and animal welfare issues posts on Instagram Feline … Continue reading

NUS PEACE FundRaiser 2017

October 4, 2017 by nuspeace | 0 comments

Come support NUS PEACE at our Fund Raising Event on the 26th of October outside the Cental Library! We’re selling many cute animal products such as T-shirts and animal-themed socks, as well as P.Osh brownies and cookies.

Pre-order your t-shirts and cookies at
Pre-orders are open to both NUS and non-NUS students!

We hope to see you there!

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