People Ending Animal Cruelty and Exploitation

Third Meeting – The Wheels Get Rolling


We held our third meeting on our usual meeting days of Tuesday, on the 6th of September at 6pm again. Missed the week before as it was Hari Raya Puasa. Selamat Hari Raya Puasa to all our friends 😀

Had alot of new agendas to discuss, the main part being that of the status of the Cat Cafe.

Keven updated the group on the status of the cats, especially those at the Business faculty. Amazing how smart cats are becoming these days!

Taking A Break During Lectures

Taking A Break During Lectures

We also had a debrief on previous happenings, especially for our newer members.

Siva’s chasing me to post this, so is my computer as it’s running out of battery. The world is conspiring against me!

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